porno grind? where the hell do these metal genres come up from...i wouldnt be surprised if there was poser metal next..
Doom metal

i'm not sure too, just got into doom 1 month ago
but i love gothic/doom, Death/doom, Black/doom, or gothic black doom and with symphonic also can
currently listenin to septic flesh
Evrux said:
ahaha.u shld try going to frenster n check a whole lot of malay posers out there.... black metal---> cradle of crap. tt's the band tt will appear in the music interest thing.
Well said lad! Typical bmms. Typical blac metal mats :lol:

Vaiyen: U rock coz u like Emperor

u dun need to listen to another genre of metal just to get support man..just be urself..tts all that counts in the end..

And antedeluvian has the perfect list! :twisted:
* death metal
* thrash metal
* black metal
* gore metal
* grind metal
* punk metal
* power metal
* symphonic metal
* speed metal
* classic metal
* nu-metal
* industrial metal
* blackened death metal
* retro-thrash metal
* christian metal
* amish metal
* satanic metal
* melodic metal
* stoner metal
* sludge metal
* progressive metal
* doom metal
* psychedelic metal
* 80's metal
* alternative metal
* New Wave of British Heavy Metal metal
* New Wave of Swedish Death Metal metal
* darkwave metal
* techno metal - darkwave also lah
* ambient metal
* Glam metal - this is real
* Space metal - this is real
* porno metal - this is real
* goth metal - yes ppl there is gothic metal
* math metal - aka prog/tech
* egyptian metal - stuff like n*** <---cant expose
* role-playing metal - powermetal?
* tribal metal - this is real
* noise metal - noise core perhaps?
* indian metal - vedic metal imo , created by sg band rudra itself
* japanese metal - loudness? ngahaha
* country metal - texan?
* viking metal - yes there is
* E=mc² metal - yes there is
* funeral doom metal

these are the ones i can seriously classify as real ah
Doom metal

haha this is my 2nd thread hahahahah power sia thanks for replyin ahah may the devil be with you
Re: Doom metal

JackassX said:
haha this is my 2nd thread hahahahah power sia thanks for replyin ahah may the devil be with you

666! ngahahah . black metal is for guys who like to wear make up ...


Exar Kun - Local Star Wars Black Metal