ahahaha. black metal again... jus dont go arnd saying tt u worship satan like a jabroni... more losers are becoming like tt...
ahaha.u shld try going to frenster n check a whole lot of malay posers out there.... black metal---> cradle of crap. tt's the band tt will appear in the music interest thing.
thrash is suppose to be thrashy... haha. listen to arch enemy. they're melodic death if im not wrong. angela gossow has a damn nice vox
brutal can be boring sometimes.. they will tend to keep using the war drum beat everytime.. then ppl will be tired of moshing then it'll be boring n the guitar work will sound boring also...
The Many Genres Of Metal!

* death metal
* thrash metal
* black metal
* gore metal
* grind metal
* punk metal
* power metal
* symphonic metal
* speed metal
* classic metal
* nu-metal
* industrial metal
* blackened death metal
* retro-thrash metal
* christian metal
* amish metal
* satanic metal
* melodic metal
* stoner metal
* sludge metal
* progressive metal
* doom metal
* psychedelic metal
* 80's metal
* alternative metal
* New Wave of British Heavy Metal metal
* New Wave of Swedish Death Metal metal
* darkwave metal
* techno metal
* ambient metal
* Aluminum metal
* Glam metal
* Space metal
* porno metal
* goth metal
* math metal
* advanced algebra/trigonometry metal
* southern metal
* northern metal
* egyptian metal
* emo metal
* role-playing metal
* barnyard metal
* tribal metal
* noise metal
* car-wash metal
* route 666 metal
* route 667 metal
* route 777 metal
* phone metal
* demonic sacrificial metal
* disco metal
* trailer park metal
* murder metal
* destructo metal
* glacier metal
* fruit of the loom metal
* cereal metal
* platypus metal
* indian metal
* gymnastic metal
* stalactite metal
* stalagmite metal
* swedish chef metal
* medical metal (with an optional dental plan)
* clown metal
* surfer metal
* cobra la la la metal
* lobster metal
* vitamin enriched metal
* lactose intolerant metal
* laundromat metal
* japanese metal
* fava beans metal
* country metal
* honky-tonk metal
* gerbil metal
* ZOD metal
* buddhist metal
* quaker metal
* rechargeable metal
* gospel metal
* hopscotch metal
* candyland metal
* hungry hungry hippos metal
* crystal pepsi metal
* bluegrass metal
* viking metal
* E=mc² metal
* funeral doom metal
* slippery when wet metal
* sugar-free metal
* pork, the other white metal

source taken from