The Many Genres Of Metal!
* death metal
* thrash metal
* black metal
* gore metal
* grind metal
* punk metal
* power metal
* symphonic metal
* speed metal
* classic metal
* nu-metal
* industrial metal
* blackened death metal
* retro-thrash metal
* christian metal
* amish metal
* satanic metal
* melodic metal
* stoner metal
* sludge metal
* progressive metal
* doom metal
* psychedelic metal
* 80's metal
* alternative metal
* New Wave of British Heavy Metal metal
* New Wave of Swedish Death Metal metal
* darkwave metal
* techno metal
* ambient metal
* Aluminum metal
* Glam metal
* Space metal
* porno metal
* goth metal
* math metal
* advanced algebra/trigonometry metal
* southern metal
* northern metal
* egyptian metal
* emo metal
* role-playing metal
* barnyard metal
* tribal metal
* noise metal
* car-wash metal
* route 666 metal
* route 667 metal
* route 777 metal
* phone metal
* demonic sacrificial metal
* disco metal
* trailer park metal
* murder metal
* destructo metal
* glacier metal
* fruit of the loom metal
* cereal metal
* platypus metal
* indian metal
* gymnastic metal
* stalactite metal
* stalagmite metal
* swedish chef metal
* medical metal (with an optional dental plan)
* clown metal
* surfer metal
* cobra la la la metal
* lobster metal
* vitamin enriched metal
* lactose intolerant metal
* laundromat metal
* japanese metal
* fava beans metal
* country metal
* honky-tonk metal
* gerbil metal
* ZOD metal
* buddhist metal
* quaker metal
* rechargeable metal
* gospel metal
* hopscotch metal
* candyland metal
* hungry hungry hippos metal
* crystal pepsi metal
* bluegrass metal
* viking metal
* E=mc² metal
* funeral doom metal
* slippery when wet metal
* sugar-free metal
* pork, the other white metal