Do you feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for Singapore's future?

i feel a sense of ownership & responsibility for Singapore's music scene...

i've transcended patriotism and extreme religious beliefs. Singapore's future? I don't feel responsible for Singapore's future at all.

But i feel responsible for the Earth's future. There are many problems out there that need to be solved. I'll be out there soon. I'll be joining in to help the world's population with what little i have.
I can go holiday in any country but it is definitely much more comfortable back home in Singapore.

The smaller version of a country is our own home. Each member of the family have to contribute to make the family work. The parents must instill the correct knowledge and character in the children so that as they grow older, the family can still stick together and not break up.

There will be different views but the goal must be clear.

How sad it would be if our children come home one day and say "Dad mom, I am going to leave you because the Robinson family is giving me a better deal, bye".

That said, with the world so connected, you can be working and living in any place. But having a Singapore Passport is like having a Platinum Card.
Yes to the country, the house, the education, health and technology.
Big no to the rules and regulation, the restriction and the one party ruling the politics.
I want to have more voices heard from the ground level, the people, from the rich and from the poor.
From the childrens and the old.
And i almost forgot..the famous U turn syndrome quoted by Mr Goh Chok Tong...he said...singaporeans are so well trained that when they dont see a U Turn sign on the road, they dare not make a U Turn.
i need a leader like him rather than that whoever know who...
I will probably migrate overseas because I don't see Singapore as a 'livable' place in the next 20 - 50 years. Too many people, too much emphasis on education(and you know that the foreigners flooding in are going to pwn your kids in education), cost of living is too high, the list goes on.
In reference to your blog post.
I think you're being too idealistic.
I totally understand what you're saying and I agree with it.
But, you just can't force people to give a damn. It's something that happens organically.
I'm one to talk, because I don't give really care about anything in singapore. Though I do want to, truly.
Recently, it occurred to me that singapore will always be my home(cue cheesy ndp song), no matter how shit i think it is and how much i want to leave. I want to marry a singaporean. So maybe I'm getting there.
I will probably migrate overseas because I don't see Singapore as a 'livable' place in the next 20 - 50 years. Too many people, too much emphasis on education(and you know that the foreigners flooding in are going to pwn your kids in education), cost of living is too high, the list goes on.

Yep.. I don't give a damn about singapore ..whatever.. no freedom at all.. no voices speak out, all the way they win ..master of puppet song by metalica you know?.. if u in love to marry someone how much u need the expenses to purchase just HDB he he he .. pigeon hole.. LMFAO.. if u r not afford OMG .. just be like USA.. okay.. no need marry and the education system OMG it is tormenting our kids. later in future the strategy will be 15 millions populations by 2015.. so this is mini china .. living with worry and fear..the earth is quaking and my ass is shaking. throw my ic ..migrate ready in Canada, New Zealand or is ready problem.
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the foreigner's competition exist everywhere in the world, even more so in the liberal western countries. Even if they dont hire foreign talents in their countries, they will still shift entire factories, hq to china, india and you will still lose out in the end.

the only way out is to remain competitive.

of course you can opt to live a country with a backward, protectionistic economy.
With all due respect to you and Malaysia, i still feel Singapore is safer and has higher education standards.

While i'm not saying you're entirely wrong to say so, I'm just saying that these 2 don't concern me as much when it comes to living life. Heck, America has one of the highest homicide rates in the world, do you see people leaving it for other countries? As for education standards, Malaysia has a lot of foreign schools with high levels of education, maybe not as high as Singapore, but look how that's turned out for us? I am currently pursuing a degree, but so is everyone else. In the end it just ends up a requirement to find a good job, no longer something you do because of your yearning for more knowledge. Don't get me wrong, Singapore has some great traits, but I'm keeping my options open, that's for sure. It's all about wanting what's best for your offspring.
It would be good to understand what age group you belong to with what you had in mind.
I believe "certain" age group loves Singapore so much.
Then, there is a specific age group that felt Singapore is just a piece of island to dwell in.. nothing great.
a strong sense of attachment and responsibility to my family and friends, Yes. To my country, somewhat meaning if i had a choice i might not stay here. If ownership means having a say in the affairs of my country...i ask u a qns la can you have a say in the first place? haha...
Firstly, Jackmann sir, you are an idiot, you typed out a chunk of words and you have no good points at all to be honest.

I am sorry but i DO NOT feel a sense of ownership for Singapore.

Sure we always blame those above us for the plight of our nation, but then again would we be able to solve those problems ourselves? I agree with hifi_killer, and in fact i like foreign competition, it wakes up the overly spoonfed and brainless teenagers who complain about every single thing, remember the stupid debate about the near impossible task of reaching uni via poly? I am a teenager myself, and most of the time i feel disgusted with what people my agegroup are thinking, they find strength in numbers, they go with the flow, they want to fit in. For God's sake, where did their backbones go to?

Perhaps it is the kiasu mentality the previous generation has imparted to us, but still who can we blame for society deviating to such an extent? Perhaps I do not feel responsible to my nation because I cannot see myself living in a society filled with spoilt idiots without intellect?

Also, there are other pressing issues which i cannot accept, as a Singaporean.
Recently, I was maligned for littering a cigarette butt by those NEA bastards who have to fulfil their quota. Singapore is a faux-clean city, it isn't clean at all, and fines aren't going to make it any cleaner, why do they even have quotas to fill? why does our country have to deploy such underhand means to make our nation 'green'? whats the whole act for?
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i m disappointed as a true blue singaporean for:
1. i cant afford a decentHDB flat which is going to price like a condo
2. the whole stretch of geylang/bugis/jalan besar eatery of old delights like wonton noodles lor 13, nasi padang at lor 25,
are replaced by ma la huo bo( mala steamboat), assorted duck neck/feet/ etc etc
3. i see more PRC colleagues around me, who expressed that once they earned enough, off they go.
4. so much restrictions for entrepeuers, ( how to have a successful start up by singaporean?)
5. we are "proud" that we won sport medal not by true blue singaporean but by foreign import.
hi Ladyintears, who are you to call Jackmann an idiot?
Do you think your points are any good?

As for the topic - strangely, i've never felt a need to identify myself with any country. I'm not attached to the idea of nationality. Hence, things like patriotism, nationalism don't make sense to me.

I don't really think of myself as a Singaporean; i think of myself as a human being.
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heh, even if the intention of the thread was good, all we gotten in the end was how most of us make ourselves look bad...

Indirectly,it sort of reflect the calibre of the forums threads here in a general . Hehe, its can be entertaining somewhat, but never to be taken too seriously at times...

Lastly, if i choose to stay, i will choose to stay, if i wanna go, i will go. But never will i talk big big of leaving, when iam still stuck at where iam. Its just a big tight slap to our own face, ok, wait, not just once, but at least 2 tight slaps plus another 1 from passerby who prolly see it as a joke.