Do NOT use "Mrs Koo" - you have been warned!

FYI, she never had any degree from Michigan...

My friend and I both graduated from there and coincidentally my friend's auntie was going to sign up for Mrs Koo's lessons but asked to see her degree from Michigan so that my friend could verify it...

According to my friend it was a real Michigan degree cert but in the name field was a slip of glued-on computer paper with her name printed on it.

On an original cert the name would be printed in cursive script...
According to my friend it was a real Michigan degree cert but in the name field was a slip of glued-on computer paper with her name printed on it.

On an original cert the name would be printed in cursive script...

Now not only is she a con artist, she also can be sued for forging documents!
Seriously. Does your friend's aunt still have a copy of it?
Wow.. Looks like it's time for someone to run to mexico.
She's really in a whole lot of trouble this time. Hope she ends up behind bars man...

I'm sure she follows this thread. Let me ask you, woman, are you happy now? Was it worth that bit of money? See you on Newpaper: Sunday Edition, sucka.
awesome... i'm not a victim, but i'm excited and can't wait for justice to be served. :)
Now she can't scare us with i-know-the-law-and-u-cant-do-much-to-me attitude coz yeah, i think we can. And yes, we will.

Hey Mrs Koo, how about getting the NAC or the police to look at your forged document, and having those 10+ names reporting YOU regarding the forged document, now they can do something, right? YOU LAW BREAKER, DON"T THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH ALL THESE.
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Can't believe a musician can do this to fellow aspiring musicians. :(

If the police don't do anything perhaps... we can.... :twisted:
Can't believe a musician can do this to fellow aspiring musicians. :(

If the police don't do anything perhaps... we can.... :twisted:

Don't count on the police... they are pretty useless. All they will tell you is "THIS IS A CIVIL CASE, PLEASE ASK YOUR LAWYER" even when there is outright violation of the penal code.

I have had it with them over the years.

Someone go tell it to the Straits Times/ New Paper and that will do.
what rollie pollie says is right. the police are quite incapable until they're engaged by "someone up there" to do an investigation.
once my car got vandalised, I reported it and the officer tried to turn tables on me and say I vandalised my own car (lazy to do paperwork). I told him off directly saying that I'm here to make a report, just give me the damn form and do your job by the black and white, i'm not here to take a lecture based on your incapability. in the end he recommended me to put cctvs on my car wtf? that's just asking me to do my own investigation...
tell me about it.
My neighbour can have a "mini concert" around my block as she sangs her hokkien song off-pitched, way off the decibel limits for peace to exist, and the police can't do anything about it.

There are just some stuffs the law has no provision. :( :(
SOFT CAN BECOME BETTER POLICEMEN THAN THOSE OUT THERE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
Someone go tell it to the Straits Times/ New Paper and that will do.
Actually that can be a good idea...if you highlight how the police is ignoring the matter and not helping. The police (and in fact most government bodies) is quite sensitive and reactive to "bad publicity" that may put a bad light on their image. The ST forum page is a good example. How many times have you seen these government PR officers beat around the bush and react defensively in their replies? But more importantly...the writer managed to get their attention, and they will contact him/her to "resolve" the problems/complains. This is to ensure no more pesky image-hurting letters are being published. ;)
I won't bother with the ST forum. The main problem is not so much with the inefficiency of the police, but there's this con woman going about scamming people. The New Paper would be a better idea, IMO. Plus, there isn't just a victim, there are victimS. The victims want a little justice done to Mrs Koo, or whatever she calls herself. The police's inefficiency, is secondary to the case and can be tackled a little later
Don't count on the police... they are pretty useless. All they will tell you is "THIS IS A CIVIL CASE, PLEASE ASK YOUR LAWYER" even when there is outright violation of the penal code.

I have had it with them over the years.

Someone go tell it to the Straits Times/ New Paper and that will do.

and then what? have the stupid press blow up the "poor plight of innocent aspiring students passionate for music, CHEATED by a con-artist in the most heinous of ways," thus stigmatising the general lot of really good/honest private teachers, both on and off here?

Caveat Emptor. If you're stupid enough to fall for paying 10 lessons in advance, to someone who doesn't even have a registered name and company, then you have no one to blame but yourself. I mean the first place, i don't see how it's ethical to charge so much in advance right? It's not like you are buying a pagkage of 10 massages (then you get 4 free) from a spa, registered with potential liability if something goes wrong.

Pardon me lah. I'm just shedding light on the other side of the fence, no offense :) and yes, the general rule of private teaching is, most of the time, that teachers collect one (or two AT MOST) month in advance for fees. I don't even do that. I just make them pay me after 4 lessons, if not i go hantam them for not paying :P hahaha

and i have another important point to make - if you follow the alternative media when it comes to news, you'll realize that the STATE-CONTROLLED press, aided by people in "higher up positions" in said press organization, only blow up something to be REALLY sensational when there is some other sensitive issue to avoid?

i'll give you a big example - AWARE. Little did many realize that during this time, T e m a s e k was making huge losses and were getting away with any sort of accountability to the public. But -sigh- these are all tricks that we Singaporeans are already used to. I mean, which would be the bigger issue at heart and just how much of each was blown up? And then there was that insensitive lady member of the Singapore Table Tennis Association who really disgruntled that coach from China when he did nothing much wrong (i won't mention names here)

So unless someone "up there" made some stupid huge mistake, don't expect anything to happen. Oh well...
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and then what? have the stupid press blow up the "poor plight of innocent aspiring students passionate for music, CHEATED by a con-artist in the most heinous of ways," thus stigmatising the general lot of really good/honest private teachers, both on and off here?

Pardon me, but I believe that it would not stigmatise honest teachers. We already have a name for this particular black sheep, thus making it a lot easier to pin-point her for her mistakes.

The problem is, she's been conning people from all over the place. I doubt SOFT is the only forum that she's tried to pull this stunt. There are a lot more popular Singapore Forums and, I believe, she's done this stunt to other fellow Singaporeans.

In a way, this is to warn other people about her and hopefully, no one would get conned by her.
If she is capable of doing this in many forums, I won't be surprised that she would try to do this to other people outside of these forums. Not all Singaporeans patronize online forums, and she may try other dubious means of pulling the same stunt again.

In a way, going to the press, although not exactly the best form to blow things up, may be the only way to effectively stop her from playing these stunts.

And as for whether the press would do anything, all I can say is that The New Paper just thrives on any story that sounds juicy enough to them. They won't bother what's going on so long there's a sellable story. It's a tabloid, for goodness sake.
If you want reliable news, go to Straits Times. They don't thrive on gossip as much as New Paper. They deal with a lot more facts and is a lot more reliable then compared to New Paper. Not saying that they're 100% reliable, but at least, they're a lot more reliable.
Whether such a story would be used to cover up that, I'm not sure. I don't really bother much about politics or economics, and the general idea I get from the layman in the street is that they don't bother too much about politics and economics in higher detail, well, apart from whether the government is not interfering too much and making their lives happy and that prices don't exponentially increase. I'm not saying that everyone's oblivious to it, but majority of the people aren't really interested or would find out until it affects them personally. Sadly, but true.

And, if you asked me, AWARE was blown up beyond belief. The New Paper kept barking up the wrong tree, which didn't allow the new team to even do anything at all. The "New Exco", in my humble opinion, could have done something constructive if The New Paper hadn't purposely distracted them from their main idea. Oh wells.
Hi students of Mr Koo, you could possibly consider bringing this up with the Small Claims Tribunal, at the subordinate courts. Registering a claim will cost you $50. Just make sure you have all your documents in order to prove the transfers were made, and the value. Legal representation is not required (nor allowed I believe), so just tell the judge what happened as it is.

To Nikolaiski: I think that while Temasek has made SOME losses, much of which is still on paper, they have acted strongly for the people of Singapore to protect our interests. For instance, by subscribing to large values of share placements and rights issues (such as with NOL, DBS, and Olam), they kept stock prices of these key counters high, protecting not just the STI, but the (often life) savings of everyday Singaporeans. Also, by subscribing for large numbers of shares in financial institutions such as UBS/Merril/StanChart, Temasek has ensured that these institutions stay in Singapore, keeping jobs here, and our economy afloat. Besides, the documentation for the securities in various banks which Temasek has made "losses" on, is not revealed to the public, and may include various terms to safeguard on potential losses, which was demonstrated when Temasek made a profit off Merill.

I'm not a Temasek fan, and I agree that a clearer idea of what it does with our taxpayers money can and should be given, to some extent. However, what Temasek has been doing over the past year or so deserves some credit. Honestly, they've been keeping us alive, quietly, and hopefully in 2 or 3 years, the stock valuations of their investments will pay off, to our benefit.