i think for the sound, normally for soundcheck the soundman already has marked and adjusted everything accordingly, so they dont really need to do much. then again, the sound engineer must either be really bored or hate your music or is very hungry therefore doesnt do the sound. hahaha.
i dont really agree on that a good band's a good band, bad is bad, avg is avg. thats just a generalisation. I've seen many bands in Singapore grow over the years, and seen some bands get better and I didnt expect that to happen. So I guess it depends on how much one wants it.
For new bands peforming, or maybe just any band, vocalist/ frontman needs to lead the show, pronounce properly. Other band members dont look so bored! Look interested? Or move around, if not I'd rather listen to you guys on a CD. Keeping in time is not really impt, kinda depends on what genre you play. And since this thread is about organisers, respect your organisers. They gave YOU the gig, not one of the many other bands that there are in Singapore. They gave YOU a chance to be discovered, to have a chance to perform, and appreciate that.
Do not give attitude to your audience, unless youre already THERE in the scene. Even then, in Singapore,noone really kinda has the right to do that, unless you're The Suns. [: Heh. ANYWAY, I digress. That was biasness sorry. I mean your audience can simply walk away and not care for your music at all, but the fact that they listen to your music, appreciate that. [:
Also, I noticed some bands have the tendency to leave straight after their set. Why not stay for the others and see how others perform, see how you can improve, what not to do etc. And lingering around and talking to others, asking how the show was, would increase either fanbase or just awareness for your band. [:
Lastly, in the music scene, its hard to depend on others, thinking, haiya they will promote, haiya they will come cos they my friends, haiya people with networks will auto come to me. That kinda thing? The scene is so small, so just make a LITTLE effort to work on your own side, who knows? You might meet someone that can help your band.