yea, naomi is kinda all over the scene man. give her props
okay comments on the post and i'll try not to wall of text everyone. I didnt read everything in between, just the first post and the last page.
I think it is not the bands job to pull the crowds. But heres the scenario of the usual big band gig/concert. The bands are famous, and they're good. Organisers just need to print flyers and stuff. The bands don't have to go around and tell all their friends that they're playing.
So I think most newbie bands think it works like this is in a local small struggling (but fun) scene.
If the organiser wants to make a gig for profit, so be it, its the bands choice wether they want to play or not, or sell 30 or 3434234 tickets or whatever. You have got a choice.
Wether you want to play to nobody or a crowd its up to you to promote, it is no ones REPONSIBILITY to promote.
Heres something to think about, I was at *scape skatepark just a couple days ago, overnight.. lepak there. And my group kinda made a mess of the place, okay but thats not the point even though I felt really bad and did clean up my shit in the end. So we were there all night.. at around what.. 8-9am 1 or 2 skaters came and they started to clean up the area, even though it (the junk) wasn't blocking the ramps and halfpipes.. they didnt have to but they did, they respect the space.
So I think, promoting the bands isn't a matter of whos job is it, but its a matter of how much you really want people to see your band.
Also I think most newbie bands, they don't mean to be uptight mofoshits. They just don't know how it all goes down, so I suggest a thread to compile ideas and suggestions and kinda what to expect when you play local shows, and that will prove especially handy for local newbie bands. Like venue specific things to watch out for and shit like that..
I don't know what Im talking la, don't scold me if i said anything wrong, im just so goddamn tired.... gaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! i need to shut up