Do bands in Singapore realise this?

i totally agree with you when you say some bands leave it all up to the organiser. really. i have totally no respect whatsoever to bands who assume everything is ready for them to plug and play, and if things dont work out, they blame the organiser. spoonfed x 109123091241.

the thing about bands promoting themselves, well, i think you might notice this often lah. they attract this crowd, which although may be quite large, stays for the 30 min set and then leaves. haha.
i think the problem goes deeper than what has been raised here.

The problem is the nature of the shows.
There is nothing special about them.
Its just a generic get a bunch of bands, stick them on a stage concept.

But the set up is the same and after four bands the audience would get tired already..

We have lots of bands playing in this country, but noone is taking risks to promote the bands.

we just have organizers putting up these generic shows that ultimately don't really benefit anyone.

And the bands don't have the confidence that people will really want to watch them.
How many bands would dare to play a solo show? Put all that risk in and then draw in the crowd to pay for it?

Perhaps if bands and organizers worked towards that we would start see a much larger growth in the number of audience

Not a lot of bands do that I believe is because they don't want to put up a show for like 20 people. On the average a band brings in ard 20 to 25 people to watch their show max. That's the average of 10 bands in a single show, including the highlight bands and new bands starting out.

I believe that more should be done in the process of promoting the bands and I'm fully supportive of bands who are willing to step out and headline a show. And headlining doesn't mean you leave everything to the organisers. The people who come to the shows wants to see you. Not the organisers. So what would it feel like to headline a show but new bands who's playing their first gig brings in a mosh pit and you dont? Pretty sad for your band though.
To the thread starter: i believe those comments were made ESPECIALLY against organisers who demand that bands sell a certain minimum amount of tickets to be able to even perform. That in my opinion is NOT a band's task at all. Of course, attracting the crowds in terms of playing well, or advertising on their own is the band's duty but i am seriously against this "selling of SOMEHOW ITS ALWAYS 30 tickets". So maybe the people who said what u disagree with maybe were referring to those particular organisers.
the thing about bands promoting themselves, well, i think you might notice this often lah. they attract this crowd, which although may be quite large, stays for the 30 min set and then leaves. haha.

Yes! I see it all the damn time and it sucks how nobody stays to watch the other bands.

This itself is already a wake up call for the bands to understand that the crowd is not there to stay and watch you play. An organiser can bring in the biggest names bringing in the biggest crowd, but if the crowd is only going to stay for one or two bands, noone's still going to watch you perform!

Like I said before, organisers promote the event. Not the band. They won't tell people to watch YOUR band, we tell people to watch our show. It's up to the bands to get their fanbase bigger.
Uhhuh. Definitely true. I never believed in asking bands to sell tickets and it's only fair for the bands to work towards a target rather than being forced to sell the tickets.

You can give a band 30 tickets to sell and if they can't sell it, it's their loss. Those tickets are their fans, benefiting them in the end. Forcing is just saying there's no other option. I think organisers should learn to advise the bands on how they can sell their tickets rather than leaving them to sell on their own. I guess we can gather together to help bands out on this.

I started this thread to get bands to realise that there's so much more to being a band and not just being lucky and can play anyhow.

Any suggestions or tips for bands on this thread is always open. As long as it benefits the bands and gives them a start to getting a crowd to their shows.
Nobody told Noah building the ark was easy. And nobody told us that finding people to come for the shows is easy too. But Noah believed. If you believe you can do things, it'll come by. You just have to look further and find ways to do it.

If you don't know ask. Start a thread asking people to contribute ideas on how to get more crowd. Don't tell me that'll require a lot of your time. then check back once in a while to see how many people has replied and how many views it's recieved. after doing that, then you tell me if it's hard to get just 5 or 10 people to come down to just support your show.

Have you done that? There's a lot more to marketing your band then just putting out a poster that's sent to your contact list. It requires effort.

You'll never see results unless you start taking action.
the sell 30 tickets is a valid model for organizing shows.
Especially if they are putting all newbie bands.

If the bands don't sell tickets then noone else will... because noone has heard of the bands so the organizers promote also no use... The bands can get direct to the only people who have heard of them.. ie. their friends.
well, you guys really didn't see it coming already

i hope everyone reading this
can take a chance on re-consider


it's very very hard to explain why you should go
but all i can say is
im trying my very hard from JAN till now

solving this issue( and it haven't stop) im still battle with the people's mindset
just that lot's of people didn't see it coming
think that im just another punk/gothic/loser

if any of you felt that im promoting my gig

i HOPE you can come and see for yourself
cause my pre-show
is a great show
i had a chance to explain to people WHY MUSICALLY(IN)SANE
why now?
why this?
why that

*i remember a 13 year kid went up to me and
say why do we have to sell tickets and stuff*

im not saying that selling tickets is wrong
also got a chance to speak with
the audience with this solving method
and also inspire people to do the same thing as me

i said AND

no wisdom people
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Geez, it isn't easy to be a event organizer in Singapore. Especially a gig organizer.

Organizers still need to earn a profit and at a same time ensure that there's enough cash to keep the show going.

It's really hard in Singapore since no one gives a damn about rock/metal gigs other than us. And it's a meagre amount of people.

What can I say?


is not just organizers control the event

bands is their own show man!
hahaha...if you're free to talk

call me 9127 0829
im willing and able to ask

each and everyone

have a nice day!!!

it's supper time



call this number
Because honestly, all along whatever things Singapore came up with, people like to say " aiya local things. nothing amazing one lah ". Thus the local scene too. I mean lets just say, I was walking randomly somewhere and I see a live band playing, and I have done that and 1/2 the time the bands suck. I don't mean this as a generalisation, but as what I have observed by just being in the scene and seeing how performers perform. Ironically, the bad ones think theyre amazing, while the amazing ones are so humble. [:

Then again, Singapore bands dont exactly get big, because they dont have alot of foresight and to see where they can push their music too. An amzing example is Myspace. Myspace has manymany bands, I've actually managed to talk to alot of overseas bands to learn more about the music scene there to improve the one who have here. Promoting music is soo important in order to get anywhere. Thats when PR comes in. Networking, advertising, having good relations with the people that can help you etc etc. Nowadays everything is so basd on the on internet tht just putting your music out, putting in a little effort to leave a comment here and there on forums, myspace bla bla will increase plays and maybe increase fanbase too.

Alot of people might think I'm talking rubbish, or say that I havent done anything for the scene so I dont have the right to say such things, ( yes I have been receiving these kinda PMs recently. ), but unless you know me personally and know what I have done behind the scenes, please respect me and the other SOFTies. ( yes I also have received some PMs and feedbacks on OTHER SOFTies. ) NOT GOOD NOT GOOD.
it's called a moral hazard problem

there are alot of bands willing to promote themselves, but they suck

at the same time, not enough good bands are doing enough to promote themselves

it happens alot even in other industries, like finance
yea, naomi is kinda all over the scene man. give her props :)

okay comments on the post and i'll try not to wall of text everyone. I didnt read everything in between, just the first post and the last page.

I think it is not the bands job to pull the crowds. But heres the scenario of the usual big band gig/concert. The bands are famous, and they're good. Organisers just need to print flyers and stuff. The bands don't have to go around and tell all their friends that they're playing.

So I think most newbie bands think it works like this is in a local small struggling (but fun) scene.

If the organiser wants to make a gig for profit, so be it, its the bands choice wether they want to play or not, or sell 30 or 3434234 tickets or whatever. You have got a choice.

Wether you want to play to nobody or a crowd its up to you to promote, it is no ones REPONSIBILITY to promote.

Heres something to think about, I was at *scape skatepark just a couple days ago, overnight.. lepak there. And my group kinda made a mess of the place, okay but thats not the point even though I felt really bad and did clean up my shit in the end. So we were there all night.. at around what.. 8-9am 1 or 2 skaters came and they started to clean up the area, even though it (the junk) wasn't blocking the ramps and halfpipes.. they didnt have to but they did, they respect the space.

So I think, promoting the bands isn't a matter of whos job is it, but its a matter of how much you really want people to see your band.

Also I think most newbie bands, they don't mean to be uptight mofoshits. They just don't know how it all goes down, so I suggest a thread to compile ideas and suggestions and kinda what to expect when you play local shows, and that will prove especially handy for local newbie bands. Like venue specific things to watch out for and shit like that..

I don't know what Im talking la, don't scold me if i said anything wrong, im just so goddamn tired.... gaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! i need to shut up
Aiyah,a good band is a good band,an average band is an average band,a bad band is a bad band. Sometimes they interchange,most of the time,they don't.

So,why worry? do your best,your neighbours will do the rest.
I was a organiser before and i can tell you. it's very very difficult to communicate with some bands... i always start my briefing for the gigs is
1. tune your guitars before you go to stage.
2. communicate with your crowds.
3. voice out any technical difficulties/ communicate with your soundman to seek advices on sounds.

well, it always turn out the other way round, tune their guitars on stage... then about communicating... it's always... eerrr.. the next song is ...... . the third one is the worst... when the soundman tell them their problems and how to rectify... they would like... okokok... i know i know i know... then when they go on stage... things don't work... then they start to point finger..... well... officially, i think soundman got the worst jobs during the actual day.

anyway, never have problems working with professional musicians. ;) the problems always come from musician who think they are professional but everybody know they're not. ;)

well... i know it's hard to digest but this is what i see when i'm orgainsing gigs locally. :)

the moral of the story....
communication is your only tools to success....
^^ i think the dilemma is not unique to the gig organisation sphere

it's more of an unfortunate case of working with assholes :D
Also I think most newbie bands, they don't mean to be uptight mofoshits. They just don't know how it all goes down, so I suggest a thread to compile ideas and suggestions and kinda what to expect when you play local shows, and that will prove especially handy for local newbie bands. Like venue specific things to watch out for and shit like that..

That's a great idea. I wonder how many bands has actually read this thread..

Pedialite is some susu powder brand for infants right? haha.
I think that milk brand is pediasure. Pedialite is a drink for kids , some energy shit, good for hangovers.. haha! its pedialyte.