DIY LED Mod...


New member
Can any1 help me on this?

I own a few pedals... Boss mainly... I have 2 stock n 1 wif LED... its really distracting that 1 is so bright n the other 2 are not haha...

Can any1 teach me how 2 do the LED mod? is it easy in the 1st place?

I open up my DD-3 n DS-1 but the circuit board is rather firm in place so i didn't dare force it out... n there were like plastic sheets there... Hope i didn't spoil anything haha...

Also is the DD-3 light able 2 blink according to the delay time?

Thx ^^
usually theres only 2 points for led connection, positive and negative.

but the problem is trying to open up the thing, finding the 2 point/wires leading to the led and determine which is positive and negative. If you wanna diy, then be prepared for anything that might happen...boss pedal are built quite sturdy, if you wann diy, go thru the pedal carefully and see whether do you need to remove the jacks/pots inorder to flip the board. The pots/jacks usually are connected to the board at various point. Do it at your own risk if you wanna play around with it...

anyway, if its just a exterior look that doesnt affect sound, you might wanna live with it or go look for the modders in the forum here, pm them and ask them whether do they provide the service to change the led.