I don't understand this 'remedy' musical listening i.e. listen to certain things and you will have 'a better mind' than someone who listens to everything.
Is this jazz guy for real?!
We can't differentiate 'trashy' or 'good' music - my trashy could be your good. It's all relative.
Are the songs you listened to when you were 5 years old 'trashy'? No - it is only your perception of them that has changed. The music is the same. This is a very important point. What has changed is how the music is experienced.
The worst thing to do is to force yourself to listen to something because some critics have said that this is the 'good stuff'.
It is best just to let your tastes develop naturally e.g. you may listen to rock music, and enjoy the quietness of certain breakdown sections. This could lead to listening to other music with large dynamic contrasts, which, in turn, would expose your ear to different sounds, which could, in turn, lead you down a new path.
This is how things go. I don't like this idea of trying to force something onto a path that one guy says is the 'right path'.
And if this was the case, who decides what we 'should' listen to?
This is musical communism, I tell you!!!
Plus - listening to complex stuff doesn't make anyone any more informed. I have friends who can write full orchestral scores without even being at an instrument, and some of them spend their days listening to Dylan.
People who do this for a living have gotten through the stage of trying to impress by listening to 'the right stuff' and sounding informed. When they do this for a living, they go back to enjoying it for the sake of enjoying it.
Even if all music ever written is available for our consumption, we still have to choose which music to listen to, rather than being afraid to commit to anything. This isn't 'discrimination', but rather, having tastes.
Also - nice to hear someone talking about Meshuggah! I'm going to hear them in September - they are playing here in Scotland then (check out their new album, ObZen - it kicks ass

Does this make me not a 'true' classical musician (as I am listening to something different)?!!
See my point?