DigiFX pedal?


New member
Hi, im sure this topic has come up loads of times, so enlighten me. What are good digiFx to get? and what price are they at?
There's already the links from the Guitar Sticky, and prices fluctuate, products come and go.

Why don't you just do a search. A lot in there. It's not that hard either. Grab more points for yourselves, redeemable for soft points, which then end of the day you can have a feelgood factor that you self served and nobody has to go through the process of repeating like an idiot for the ____th time.

Up your points bro! +23.
on top of that I'll dedicate the next song "Can't touch this" by MC Hammer to you young, cool and funky dudes and dudettes here.

Get a Zoom! You can "zoom" into the sounds easily. Get the classic Zoom!

Even ritchie sampoerna and trent razor use em!

must ask questions, pardon me

1) where to get this
2) how much
3) what can it do
4) is it digital or analogue
5) how fierce can the distortion go
6) got warm delay like a warm rush of echo through the valley of river by liang court
7) does zoom really expect people to strap this to the guitar strap and play with it while fiddling with the geetar
8 ) got led display for dark venue
9) battery or adaptor or 1 spot
10) can it do the ________(fill in the blank genre)

thanks in advance
:smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037 :smt037

Actually the 9002 is preety deceiving digital device !!
My fren is hunting for one now and it does appear on ebay now and then !!
hey.... its THE effect that I recommend when anyone who choose to remain unfashionable and wants an "industrial" sounding chugga chugga aka terrence trent darby reznor.
omg lol. one day and so many replies.

there's this dude selling his zoom gfx3, is it worth it. I read the specs, has most i need, how's the sound like?
basically its like this, if you like the old zfx 2 chip sound, Zoom GFX series, den buy it

if you want something diff, try the new zfx 3 chip Zoom G series

if you don't like it, den try the very common AFX chip called the Analog FX, or pedalboard, or individual expensive boxes, bigger than mi old primary school lunchbox

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