Diff between Modern Rock and Classic Rock

tight pants :D

mero said:
btw MadWereWolfBoy, using drums, bass and guitars doesn't mean it stems from classic rock. the music isn't characterised by the instruments used, jazz uses these instruments too and it's as different as night and day.
no i didn't say it was such...

i was implying the opposite... all classic rock had these instruments...

but what sets today's music as moderm rock, from rap, hiphop, techno, trance or what not... is that they use these instruments and not too much synth and computerised stuff... in otherwords... performable on stage without backing tracks..
but other music like pop can also be played without backing tracks live. The Black Eyed Peas have a backing band, and pop piano ballads are definitely live-friendly without backing tracks.

the two genres have really different sounds. Just listen to bands like Lep Zep, Cream and compare them to Creed or U2, completely different animals... Not to say that modern rock can be characterised by any one sound either though
a lot of modern rock fall under pop liao... some don't have a distinct difference...

but some have.. so the only thing that remains solid is classic rock... haha modern rock not here not there dunno chapalan everything inside
yeah sometimes i see nu-metal bands classified under modern rock, sometimes i see eminem also under modern rock.
SOAD is also definitely modern rock.

I would personally feel that Classic Rock is rock music which was made before the introduction of ProTools and modern, computerised audio production programmes.

Of course there's a grey area when people started to use such stuff while others still insist on recording on magnetic tape.

I somehow find 'modern rock' slightly over-polished? Like the charm of classic rock is the fact that it was the players who made it perfect, and not to mention everything was analog way back then... no computers or syth patches to slicken up the sound.

Maybe classic rock is what rock and roll is supposed to be like: not perfect, both in terms of sound and attitude; essentially not sucking up to the general public?

just my 2c

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