decks and laptop??


New member
Hi there talented peeps out there! I'm really curious abt whenever i party to any club i will c this djs wif their turntables and laptops as well.....i mean yeah its cool though but wats the main purpose of the laptops??? as he got his decks on ....really curious of that ....hope to get an answer from u guys....peace n respect
The decks are just for show. Most of the time they never actually use them. All the tunes are mp3's on the laptop.

Sometimes they might use miss pinky or some other special vinyl so the turntable controls the software....but that's pretty rare.
Laptop is where the software is (eg. Reason, Ableton Live, some DJ software)..Most electronic live performers have external devices attached to the laptop to "control" the software, eg. keyboard, turntable, surface.