

New member
I've been to both Swee lee and Yamaha and am pretty disappointed by the range of products they import (especially the latter).

I'm looking for cymbals currently and I'm unable to find a couple of specific and exotic cymbals to test... also

i'm unable to find the Zildjian 20" K custom dark ride and the stick-mallets. *sigh*

With such inconveniences, i suppose the only way to test cymbal-matching is to purchase and then test it. If they don't match.. den *lan lan suck thumb le* : (

anyone knows where i can find meinl cymbals too? take is that if they have it, likely you will buy it. If they don't have it, likely you will not buy it even if you can test it.

You can't blame them for not stocking exotic models, especially if it's just so the window shoppers can 'test it'.

They will throw you back the question, if you open a shop, will you bring in something which is worth $500 and chances of selling it is close to zero??? How about bring in 100 models which will only take up space collecting dust??

There are quite a number of items there basically collecting dust, until they have clearence sale just to get rid of it.

Do you know how much money is all the stocks they have put together worth?? It's way more the average Joe can make in a lifetime. So it's not fair to say that their stock sucks.
mikemann said: take is that if they have it, likely you will buy it. If they don't have it, likely you will not buy it even if you can test it.

... if you open a shop, will you bring in something which is worth $500 and chances of selling it is close to zero??? How about bring in 100 models which will only take up space collecting dust??

Definately a pragmatic situation. Nothing much to say, period.

Do you know how much money is all the stocks they have put together worth?? It's way more the average Joe can make in a lifetime. So it's not fair to say that their stock sucks.

Dude, with all due respect, I never had the intention of gunning those companies down and 'saying that their stock sucks' but to MENTION that the musicians (or drummers in this context) in singapore mainly do not have the privilege of knowing exactly what they're paying for until they receive it.

We can only pray that we get what we pay for.
yeah.... hear....hear....

Tough for both musicians and retailer in a small market of our country. Like they say.... make do....

There are quite a number of other countries people who come to our retailer especially because their own market is 100X worse than ours... So I guess we are quite well off already.

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