i think the author of the blog is just being childish and fake. bet he didn't even say those things which he claimed to say out loud, maybe only in his mind.
how about him trying to be polite as well? Take for example, the bank staff, he/she was merely doing his/her job. why was he so rude when the poor telemarketer was not in the first place?
and look at the title of his blog " Singapore sucks".. hmm i'm not trying to be patriotic here or anything like that, but, does Singapore really suck? Just wanna say that i do not have anything against this author, though i may sound like it, haha. just stating my feelings. if singapore sucks, would we live such comfortable lives? would we have the MRT? would bands like Slipknot be allowed to come in? Would the government fight so hard to prevent us from being harmed by SARS and terrorism if Singapore sucked? Some people are just ungrateful. I guess he expects to be treated like a king in whichever shop he walks into. If he was born elsewhere, he would probably just say the same thing, my country sucks. Oh well, enough of me ranting, haha. I have come across really bad service before, not davis or swee lee, they're pretty nice ppl to me. Give and take la, if we really come across bad customer service, just walk off silently, don't have to F the owner of the shop what..that's just being childish.
Ok ok i'll keep quiet now, lol. Peace! :smt039