Dave Smith, Father of MIDI, on softsynths vs Harware,mac Vs PC,


New member
Just tot that i;d share this old article.

Readin this again brings some new light to me as years ago, ashamed to say, i've never heard of vetor synthesis, or never cracked my head about midi connections, never knew wat the fuss about the prophet 'analog sound" was about till recently.


I felt dave's words are down to earthly simple and carry objective heavy weight, due to his impactful contributions to early hardware AND softsynth development, being the brainchild for proposing a universal technical format for music(MIDI)!

its also funny tat being an audio and music industry heavyweight engineer and pioneer he mentioned all computers are stupid.:)

wat impressed me most is he has a musician's heart, which , simply just boils down to playing the "real thing"(hardware?)....

"After inventing the first soft syths almost 10 years ago..........when it comes to musical instruments I find it much more rewarding to design a piece of hardware. It doesnt crash for reasons out of my control (like any computer-based product will), and it will still work the same in 10 years. I feel a real musical instrument sould have some longevity"

the next time u shrredders hook up yr keytars to a keyboard/module/softsynth via midi, give Dave half a second of thanks! ahahah. the roland ax-synth is finally comming!!

Long long time ago, in the age of fighter biplanes, some machines guns were mounted above the propellers because the engineers couldn't sync the firing with the revolution of the propeller blades. This meant reduced accuracy. Then one bunch of engineers could and then accuracy improve.

However the target optics was still manual...

Then in the Korean war, the US had radar adjusted gun sights which calculated accurately how much lead was needed ...

Then came the HUD display that was fixed in front of the cockpit in the age of air to air missile.

Then the Russians placed the HUD into their pilots' visor which gave them the edge.

Progress, get on board or get left behind. In time to come, stuff like Pianoteq/True Pianos will be the piano of the future. And you can have bright sounds on the lower octaves and warm on the higher ones. Plus you save the trees, music scores on visual displays, no need for paper.

And there will no need for graded weighted keyboards. You get to choose the weightings. Already, VAX77 allows people to specify the weight of the keypress.

And the days where music pieces designed to highlight mechanical ability will get even more rarer as people focus listenability...
wow.i get the point, though i would have prob still get it witout the first 50 lines...:p...

i'm not making a stand, but simply surprised at dave smith's words, cos i kinda expect the pioneer himself to tink other wise.

apologies if i triggered any dissonance in anyone lol...since i am experiencing it myself!! lol..