you mean this jazzmaster?YouTube - Livonia - Days (Live at the Heeren)
yes yes i know all about the ravages of time thank you very much. check out the rest of the videos from noel (ex-suchness / silverspy) - he found some real chestnuts. i can barely remember this gig save for some fuzzy memory of it...
*feels unfortunate for not knowing anything about Livonia*
It's okay, dude. Most people (esp. Singaporeans) know our music history. As much as the older peeps here know about the indie/ metal/ hardcore scene of our generation, we have very little knowledge of the acts in the 60's and 70's like the Quests and Straydogs as well. The main problem is there are very attention paid to our music forebearers (someone Spellcheck this for me. Thanks!).
I suddenly miss SEBERYNIC!!!!
you mean this jazzmaster?YouTube - Livonia - Days (Live at the Heeren)
yes yes i know all about the ravages of time thank you very much. check out the rest of the videos from noel (ex-suchness / silverspy) - he found some real chestnuts. i can barely remember this gig save for some fuzzy memory of it...
thats one of the best compilation evaaaahhh... and my ex bassist had to lose every single CD that I passed to him... bastard!!!!
I suddenly miss SEBERYNIC!!!!
I think retired liao. One of them, I can't recall his name, has relocated to London.
*feels unfortunate for not knowing anything about Livonia*
man these videos are classic, love the music video production too