as a side the Rock For Wayne gig while i was being reduced to fanboy status watching Humpback Oak in awe i couldn't help but notice the majority of the crowd being kinda subdued and dare i say it, uninterested. it got me thinking, maybe music has really changed alot and everyone's moved on...everyone's just focused on the now, *my* band, *my* peers, *my* generation etc. music naturally appeals to the young and young at heart and if i were 18 i doubt watching thirtysomethings play songs from another era would interest me too much.
never thought i'd say this and i am stating the obvious, but the age group i'm in, we're kinda over the hill and far away. maybe all we're cut out for is offering sagely if slightly cynical rocking-chair advice (eg "in my time sonny..."). so make the most of it and enjoy the ride...all you young 'uns reading this and laughing...remember, it'll happen to you too one day!![]()
If there is a Livonia gig I would go. Heck if there is a 90s revival/reunion (however you put it) show I would go, if, for no other purpose, then simply just to relive the feeling of being young again.
If we can convince The Pagans to reunite... we have a show!!!
Heck if there is a 90s revival/reunion (however you put it) show I would go, if, for no other purpose, then simply just to relive the feeling of being young again.
BTW who was that kind soul who offered us our very first live show? Mr Dan Sassoon!
you're a beast! you're a hooligan! :mrgreen:
*feels unfortunate for not knowing anything about Livonia*
However, I heard lah that the National Heritage Board has shitloads of demos from the 90's and archival recordings of the old stuff. The National Museum has an exhibition regarding this aspect when I was there early last year. Interesting stuff.
u mean like cassettes - the kind that used to be sold at Dada & Roxy etc
mmm dating myself severely here
someone should get them and release them on box sets
up for livonia, bring back the sweet as hell, wonderful songs and geetar solo with that mojo jazzmaster!