Custom inlay job


New member

Recently i didnt receive much orders for doing pickguard, that resulted in more free time for me to practice my guitar and as well as working on guitar modifications and repair!

So recently, i decided to try doing inlay.. the results seems ok to me..

I'm not as pro as many of those out there but i've yet seen any local that does inlay jobs.. so here's mine!





Yes it is a maple fingerboard and i painted it black.. since this is the 1st inlay job, i dun wish to spent too much to screw up something.. but now i guess i'm going to buy a piece of ebony and maybe do up a vine of life inlay! hahaa..

Feedback please!Nasty or Nice up to you!

RazrAsh said:
not bad... we shall wait until malcolm comments!!! it looks quite well done though...

actually i would really appreciate if malcolm would comment on anything but there isnt really a need for him to justify anything.. i know better luthiers in singapore that isnt really promoting themselves.. alot of my skills are from what they have taught me..

well i just wanna hear it from everybody's point of view.. not just some1 who everybody agrees to be the better 1..

yes i've seen malcolm's job and i think they are great! seriously..

Thanks for commenting though RazrAsh :D
RazrAsh said:
u gonna start building guitars soon?? :wink:

hahaa.. i wish too.. if only i got more money more time and more understandings from those around me that isnt that supportive of it.. building a guitar is not like "are you buying ur lunch soon?"

it seriously takes alot of time and effort.. for now i'm juz doing special repaint, pickguards, fretboards.. bla bla bla.. all the so called parts of wad makes a complete guitar..

but on that note, i did though of making a raquinto out of ply for a try.. haha..
how come the fretboard edges dont look straight? and u actually painted it? reversible or not? :lol:
tany said:
how come the fretboard edges dont look straight? and u actually painted it? reversible or not? :lol:

you got eyes of the owl man! i yet sand flat e side.. it is e result of jigsaw cuts.. w/o a proper clamp while cutting! hahaa..

no the paint is reversible.. but i wun 1 2 do that.. coz i want it black anyway.. it is the same like if u ask can you strip the colour on ur guitar.. but of coz.. it will never be the same again.. hahaa
thats becos inlays have to be done before fretting...
u guys need to surf more..
nice work Dude.. pple who knows me know i'm a big fan of the pyramids and you beat me to DIYing this. keep up the great work.. after gettin good at this, u can start workin on yr own designs and before we know it.. our very own LGM in sg...
angelmozart said:
thats becos inlays have to be done before fretting...
u guys need to surf more..
nice work Dude.. pple who knows me know i'm a big fan of the pyramids and you beat me to DIYing this. keep up the great work.. after gettin good at this, u can start workin on yr own designs and before we know it.. our very own LGM in sg...

lol please dun start praising me.. i've seen those amazing stuff u've shown me man! they are better stuff!
bro - U should have had an "outline" channel around each inlay and have a black outline INSTEAD of painting yr fretboard.

BTW I have a STEWMAC 12" radius sanding block which you could use to attach sandpaper for fretboard / fret sanding. 12 " radius means you can get a nice feel to it.

PM me if U interested to buy it and / or some other of my fretting tools.

RazrAsh said:
not bad... we shall wait until malcolm comments!!! it looks quite well done though...

is Malcolm somekinda authority ...huh RazrRash !!??

Good job Gr boi .... a real pain in the neck aain't it ?!!

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notchjohnson said:
dont let the sun...go down on me yeah....

more like - dont let your son go down on me.... since it's elton john we're talking about?
fgl said:
bro - U should have had an "outline" channel around each inlay and have a black outline INSTEAD of painting yr fretboard.

BTW I have a STEWMAC 12" radius sanding block which you could use to attach sandpaper for fretboard / fret sanding. 12 " radius means you can get a nice feel to it.

PM me if U interested to buy it and / or some other of my fretting tools.


what you mean by black outline? i painted my fretboard black because i wanted ebony initially but was bounded by the cost and for the sake for the 1st inlay job i did.. i have access to radius sand block from 7.25" - 20"
Thanks for your kind offer dude :D This is currently sanded to 14" radius and i'm quite satisfied as it is identical to whats on a JEM.
black outline = my meaning is that if the inlays had black outlines on a maple board, it would have been more striking - well to me anyway...

wow -looks like U have more sanding boards than me - hah...
gsonique said:
RazrAsh said:
not bad... we shall wait until malcolm comments!!! it looks quite well done though...

is Malcolm somekinda authority ...huh RazrRash !!??

Good job Gr boi .... a real pain in the neck aain't it ?!!

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it is indeed a pain in e neck gooose!

actually i myself know if it is a good inlay job or not.. coz even if u ask a granny, she would know if it is nice or not nice.. rite? its very simple to define something nice or not.. i need comments not some authority.. hahaa.. thanks for all that posted! Ur comments i appreciate fully :D
fgl said:
wow -looks like U have more sanding boards than me - hah...

actually,they are not mine.. they belong to e guy i learn luthiery work from.. might save up for my own set though..

so where's malcolm? :twisted:
Gr3y said:
.. i know better luthiers in singapore that isnt really promoting themselves.. alot of my skills are from what they have taught me..

Hmmm.. never heard of the better luthiers... actually, never heard of other lutheir in SIngapore - they should let themselves be know so the guitarist community can experience their skills.

Grey, the inlay looks a little misshapened, your first time eh, so next time it would rock? :)

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