hey i think u guys may have gotten it all wrong.
according to the IN magazine that i ordered together with the straits times, it says :
this is NOT a curfew, the last time Singapore had a curfew was during the racial riots in the 1970s. (i hope i get the year right cuz my history sucks)
the cops will go up to u only if they see u in a big group which spells a potential to commit a crime. basically wat they do is go up to u, check ur id to see if ur under 17. if u are, they'll call up ur parents just to inform them on your location, and wat u are going to do. if they sense that u are just an innocent boyboy or girlgirl then they won't do anything. the idea is just to make sure that ur parents know where u are, wat ur doing cuz apparantly, these laws were imposed cuz students lied to their parents about going out to study but went out to pubs, or parties and such. Who is to blame now? 8)
however, if u do things like smoking and drinking, TAKING DRUGS, be prepared to face the music. of course, i believe this applies to BEFORE 11pm hours too. underaged smoking and drinking is against the law no matter wat time u commit it.
things u can do :
1. go walk walk in the park with ur granny at night listening to her stories
2. coming home from a gig/concert
3. going to cafes/macdonalds to study
(these are just examples)
things u cannot do:
1. smoke, drink (duhh)
2. studying under void decks (i don't understand why)
3. i forgot all the rest!!! SHIT!
i got all these from the IN magazine yeah? dont' flame me!! =X
well if ur dressed in tattoos and heavily pierced with metal like body armour, the police will suspect u of going to create trouble. and may stop u.
i guess if u do have to go out at such a late hour, maybe u should travel with a decent looking group of friends to avoid any suspicion or misunderstanding. try to stay away from friends who like to go out with pink dyed hair, carrying an iron bar in one hand and a knife in the other, and having those spiral dragon tattoos. :lol:
i think u guys are over reacting over this issue. it's not as bad as it seems. although it MAY sometimes cause an invasion of privacy but, they won't just take u down town to the cell and lock u up just cuz ur under 17 and ur out after 11pm so don't worry! u CAN still go out at that late hour. just don't do anything stupid. alright?
yea it'll be embarrassing for the cop to stop a 20year old man who looks 15
and it'll be insulting to be stopped for looking like a 15 year old when ur 20
and it's unfair that 15 year olds look like 20 year olds and can get away with these rules.
looks like the government has to do more thinking before implementing such rules eh?
bad boys bad boys
watcha gonna do
watcha gonna do when they come for u =)
(this song is from the old tv series titled "COPS")