Creating ambience sounds


New member
Hi all, just wanna ask if there are electric guitarists around here who play with modulation effects in a band setting? im looking to creating sounds to support a band, not to stand out in a band (eg, solos, cutting stuff).

for example, i know One Republic's guitarist uses delay and a sweeping wah to create those kind of effects for some of their songs, and the guitarist doesnt have to play anything complex. just mess around with sounds.

my current board only has drives and a dd20, so im looking to own a few other modulations that can help me get that kind of "trance like, ambience feel" kinda thing. and also to help me decide which modulations do i really need, so i dont end up buying all (safe some money la). phasers, flangers, filters, trems, choruses, or multiple delays?? its all a mess but i dont have the moolah.

So since im new and i thought some softies would also like to learn how to mess around and use their modulations properly, how about some sharing on phasers, filters, trems and flangers? and playing them into stereo?
im sure combining several of these or with delays would really add dimentions to a band's music. thanks!
are you the only guitarist?

i use two delays and one chorus to get a huge sound

a reverb would probably help but i didnt like the vibe so i sold mine

where is pathein bro. he would know the most i THINK
yeah i am the only guitarist.
think pathein mentioned about reverb into a delay then reverb again. not rly sure either.
pathein goes to the moon and back while we are still waiting for the bus....

Now you need two delays and throw your modulations in between....
place at least one delay at the final end of your pedal board. the meantime "experiment" with your delay right up front before your dirt ;)
You can check out the Digitech Expression Factory. That has a great but tricky swell sound you can use.

The Boss PS-3 has a function where you can delay and even reverse the pitch shifted sound. That one is cool as well.

Why not get that and you'll have everything you might need on it?
My method,

Delay -> Delay -> Reverb -> Delay -> Reverb -> Phaser


Hehe. That's gotta be expensive man. Anyway, I use a similar method, but I use a Single Delay into a Reverb and a Digital Delay into a Phaser. Slightly more budget. :D
Hi there..I run EHX Worm -> Seymour Duncan Trem -> Nova Delay for those atmospheric effects.. N oh yah.. Tinge of Reverb from the Amp!

the Worm is my swiss-army modulation thingy that covers most of my envelop filtering/phasing/vibrato needs.. Noisy pedal though. :)

The light amount of trem adds more texture to the swells.. really like the SD trem as it has like a wave adjustment knob, so you can get some organ/synth swells..

And the delay.. got to have delay!

The tricky thing i find is getting the timing right for all the different boxes.. (Both SD trem & Nova Delay have a tap tempos, and the worm has a big as dial you can sort of turn with your feet ;))
Im running from my drives into a Arion SAD-1 Stereo analog delay, into a TC Nova Mod and then into my Visual Volume then into my Eventide timefactor. With this set up, I can get an array of amazingly lush and a whole spectrum of tones.

I use the vol pedal for swells or the volume knob, depends on the song im playing.

Modulations all come from the nova mod (Im still adjusting myself to the switching, might take awhile).

Its going great. I love the tones im getting. Before I bought the eventide and nova mod.

I had a MIJ Boss Ce2, BYOC Trem, Ibanez Flanger, MXR Phase 90 for modulation. and an analogman delay and 2 boss dd5s for delays.

Now I've simplified from 7 pedals, to three. And its going good. So I'd suggest the Nova Mod or the MM4 for your case.

Infact.. Id much prefer it if the nova mod and eventide had the preset switching of the line6 modeller series. Much easier... hahaha
hahaha thats the reason why i started this thread jms, cause i cant possibly afford a nova mod. not to mention, a nova mod alone wont be enough.

so it seems i'll need at least 2 delays, one at the start and another at the end of my modulations. and amongst the modulations there should be a reverb?

guitar> wah> drives> delay> whatever modulations> reverb> delay. think that should do the trick?

thanks to all u guys who posted:)
Hehe. That's gotta be expensive man. Anyway, I use a similar method, but I use a Single Delay into a Reverb and a Digital Delay into a Phaser. Slightly more budget. :D

Not really ma, mine is

DD20 (SGD300)-> Cheap Lazer analog delay (SGD20) -> Boss RV5 (SGD160) -> Sib Mr.Echo (SGD200) -> EHX Holy Stain (SGD199)

so basically is digital delay, analog delay, digital reverb, analog delay, digital reverb.

can choose cheaper stuff like Artec or Beta Aivin, will still do the job, hell, the SGD20 Lazer analog delay is the main atmospheric one for me, i still love it very much!

but i think the main thing is reverb man, get one decent analog delay and a EHX Holiest Grail, then can work ad wan i think.

Hi there..I run EHX Worm -> Seymour Duncan Trem -> Nova Delay for those atmospheric effects.. N oh yah.. Tinge of Reverb from the Amp!

the Worm is my swiss-army modulation thingy that covers most of my envelop filtering/phasing/vibrato needs.. Noisy pedal though. :)

The light amount of trem adds more texture to the swells.. really like the SD trem as it has like a wave adjustment knob, so you can get some organ/synth swells..

And the delay.. got to have delay!

The tricky thing i find is getting the timing right for all the different boxes.. (Both SD trem & Nova Delay have a tap tempos, and the worm has a big as dial you can sort of turn with your feet ;))

Ahah! i used to have EHX WORM too! uses my feet to twist also, until now i shift to EHX nano small stone, i still twist it using feet.

i think to get the timing right is to set your analog stuff nicely first, then use pedal with tap tempo to follow the analog. when u change tempo on worm or something, have to fast tap to follow ah, foot job man. hahaha.
For real deal, get a handheld recording deivce, capture the sound of the space we are in at any moment of making music. Manipulate in real time, that "sound of the space" as the music goes along. Fading in and out, time stretch, reverse, cut and paste etc and blending with the music.

That will be truely ambient. The rest, will be our perception of ambient, according to modulation pedal
a nice analog delay - modulation effects - Reverb - Digital Delay. more than enough if u wanna do ambient. then a loopmaster cause ur the only guitarist. u cant afford to tap dance and miss
guitar> wah> drives> delay> whatever modulations> reverb> delay. think that should do the trick?

Yeah. That's basically my signal chain. But I do have an additional Phaser at the back, after the second delay. I'm thinking of trying a Flanger there instead... Wonder if it'll sound good...
Why don't you use a computer to experiment with for a start? There's a lot of free Dsp efx plugins you can get hold of and you'll probably have a better idea of what stomps to invest in and how to use them in various sections in a song.
The other thing to consider is going stereo... would give you more choices in sound designing...
2 cents.