Crazy japanese guitar

how bout performing infront of a political leader... and den assasinate him out of nowhere... jokin jokin..

Sadly, it's a one of a kind and it's not for sale =( We can't go around hacking and slashing and rocking, lol.
does anyone find this guitar horrendously ugly or is it just me? >_< seriously, the weird green slime corner and eyeball knobs, so messy and cumbersome. it's like the maker couldn't decide what he wanted it to look like, so just said 'hey let's put a bit of everything!' what's a really nice esp custom shop though (imo of course), is ESP Shinigami. But talking about ridiculous.. ESP Sword. Now that's unwieldy.
Dimebag Darrell should have this. He could have survived if he used the sword to hack that bugger who shot him on stage ;)