Cost of a decent refretting job on a maple neck


New member
I've got a 80s MIJ fender with a maple neck and i love the tone of it. Just wondering if i wanna do a refretting job how much would it cost? As in refret cum setup. Hopefully wun be so expensive such as its more expensive than my guitar.
I know about him but if lets say the cost of doing it costs more than what i've paid for the guitar its prob not worth it right? I'm in pretty much a dilemma right now. I love the feel and tone of the guitar but i know its prob gonna cost me a bomb to get it playing the way i know it can play. Student la. No money to spend on so much stuff eh?
Uber ouch. Prob gonna set me back like half a grand with the repairs i'm thinking of doing. Will send the cost of my guitar way off the roof. Sighz.
UncleJohnny said:
I know about him but if lets say the cost of doing it costs more than what i've paid for the guitar its prob not worth it right? I'm in pretty much a dilemma right now. I love the feel and tone of the guitar but i know its prob gonna cost me a bomb to get it playing the way i know it can play. Student la. No money to spend on so much stuff eh?

Not worth it?

Have you tried a guitar that Malcolm has refretted? :D

I tell you, the guitar is brand new again and plays better than it was brand new. It would probably sound better after too.

Of course, it depends on what you can afford. Personally, instruments are like extentions of your body, speaking out on behalf on you... and I would pay that much if an instrument means that much to me.

Being a student is no excuse frankly.
Tee Hee Hee~

No lah, I wasn't being harsh when I said that... apologies as I didn't take care to word it or emote it properly.

Basically, in today's context where kids have a lot more spending power, its usually a case of comfort versus priority. Most of the time, its comfort first, Macdonalds over guitar or funky clothing over guitar or girlfriend over guitar... your choice most definately but you see what I'm getting at?

All assumtions lah of couse, with a friendly wink! :wink:
Hmm, the student's parents probably have spending power, not the student. And talking about comfort, well to some people it is THE priority. Talk about priority, some pretentious 'music/guitar lovers' would rather spend money on gear than a good concert or music instruction. How do you define comfort anyway, and who's to say how we should we spend our money? Some fellas 'kam guan' will pay 25 for chatterbox chicken rice, some will pay 2.50. Is the 25 dollar chicken rice better? Anyway the chef of that famous chatterbox chicken rice is running his own stall at balestier selling it for less than 10 a plate. So what exactly are you paying for? It's not always just quality alone, sometimes its both hype and quality which is ok as long as you dont' mind paying another 50% for the 'feel good' hype.

At least, he knows that being a student he shouldn't be squandering his parents money. He is being prudent, which is a good thing!

All assumptions...

A kid can be spending his parent's money on fancy clothes that cost $500 bucks a shirt. Or over-indulging in food that costs $80 a piece of steak.

We all give out our opinions here and mine is that if you wanna go for the guitar, its all the way... no inbetween land here. That's all.

Funny how you seem to imply Malcolm is some hype... are you trying to do so?
3notesAbar said:
You do come across as harsh very often haha. Oh well.. :)

Yeah... cos i have 7000 posts u see. :D :lol:

Gotten tired of emoticon-ing and stuff I guess... just say it plain and be done with it... the online persona is but communication without full expression...
If its anything to go by, Malcolm's prices do beg for a 'hype tag'.

I know a few guys who did a setup with him (simple adjustments) and came out smiling, saying it was worth every cent. He sure knows what hes doing and he's careful with treating the guitars like they are his own.

Having said all that, his prices are due to the fact that Singapore is a tiny market and he needs to earn a living by pricing as such for quality work. But still, most Singaporeans would still consider his prices a little high.
ShredCow said:
Get it done properly and done well @ Malcolm.

PM him, empty71.

Is the cow getting any kickbacks for recommending customers to Malcolm? 8O Looks that way to me. My 2 sen worth. I have noticed in his posts when it comes to discussions like this, that he ONLY refers to empty71. I've got nothing against any of them, but the posts speak for themselves.

Are there not other ppl who can refret guitars or undertake similar tasks? Lets hear it from others, please.

Cheers all!
ShredCow said:
All assumptions...

Why do you always state an intellectual bombshell and then say everything else are just assumptions. You might as well not post anything! You must've had 1000+ posts of assumptions. Gosh!

No, no kickbacks...

Beefy, have you gotten your guitar refretted by Malcolm? Or have you seen a Malcolm refretted guitar, played it?

Have you also been to other techs who tried to rip you off?

Have you also been to techs who could not setup a floyd rose properly, let alone ask them for a refret?

Aren't we posting assumptions about the threadstarter's spending priorities?

"Being a student is no excuse" was based on an assumption, which in my next post, I noted.

Is there some miscommunication again? Because as I see it, you are not really reading my posts.
From your first post on this thread. We'd assume that you meant being students or not, we all can afford high prices for a refret, since we can afford other things in life. Next time type properly and comprehensively la, then no misunderstanding!!!

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