Cost for repairs of this guitar?


New member
How much would it be to make this guitar come alive again? Problems with it are the spoilt jack, where your quarter-inch jack goes in, the thing came off, leaving only a yellow wire behind. The pick-up selector, which broke off, leaving a flat metal piece only. A very dirty and fungi-filled fretboard. Knob-less volume, and 2-tone(i think). I don't know whether the pick-ups are still working. Would like to change them if possible. WOULD LIKE THE EXPENSES TO BE KEPT AS LOW AS POSSIBLE. tight budget.


slowly scroll after that.
help asap thanks.
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ok fixed the link. ermm. i not sure about the vol and tone thing. its a really old guitar.
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Best that u go down to a shop to check out, unless there are some guitar techs down here who can give you a direct quote. Can go to Standard Value or Beez, both great places with great service.
standard value is at woodlands near the checkpoint there. mike's a great guy with great customer service. always a pleasure to visit his shop.
Agreed, I like SV. Had my guitar serviced there recently, top-notch service and workmanship.

The problems you listed are pretty easy solved;

First, you can clean up the fretboard yourself. Buy some lemon-oil, or some guitar-specific cleaning products from the Planet Waves or Dunlop range and spruce that guitar up.

Next, replacement parts.

A good quality input jack, volume and tone pots will cost at the most 5 or 6 bucks each.

I replaced my input jack with the switchcraft ones, $6.50. CTS pots also cost me $6.50.

A good pickup selector switch will be in the range of 10-20bucks. I got the super-selector switch, that was almost $20.

Pickups, depending on make and brand, first or second hand, will set you back approximately 50-100 odd bucks each.

Lastly, the servicing, it will vary from shop to shop.

A set-up will usually cost 30-40bucks, varies.

Wiring the pickups will also cost 30-40bucks, varies.

Replacing the selector switch, input jack and pots are simple tasks. Maybe another 40bucks for replacing the mentioned.

If you can do the simple wirings yourself, you can save on the servicing.
At the end of the day you also have to consider if it is worth repairing cos if spending all that cash for something that may not be good tonally would be a waste as well.
No problem, glad to help.

But I think simple and cheap upgrades are worth the while, even if the guitar is not the best around. A old guitar's mojo can't be replaced,