Corey Nonis of Heritage has passed away.

R.I.P buddy. Will miss ya.

Much enjoyed the days playing music with you. 8)

Say hi to Jimmy for me and all the other great rockers in the sky.
So sorry about his passing. My deepest, deepest condolences....sorry I can't make the wake today, but whoever is going tomorrow pls drop me a pm...I'll try to make it to JJs tonight too.
My deepest condolences. We're meeting at Bishan MRT station at 5pm. Anyone who wants to come might want to give bliss a call first. Lawrence knows the place, he'll bring us there.
oh man, y are musicians leaving us one by one like that... yesterday's newpaper featured heritage on the music artical somemore... : /

haven't even got the chance to meet him yet... :cry:
from what we gather, it was kidney failure.

If the JJ alacate thingy is still on we mite pop by. However I spoke to Kenny Hogan a few hours ago and he told me that he's planning a proper drum / band tribute gig for Corey. We might be meeting to plan stuff at the wake itself - see how things go.Obviously he has me and my band guys support for this project all the way.

Anyone who wishes to contribute in this project can PM / contact Kenny Hogan for details.
one by one they left us.....

being good guys, rest assured they will be in heaven....

rest in peace kevin corey

u'll be missed greatly, not only in the drummers, world, but in the musicians world...
deepest condolences to his families and friends.....

guess the big dude in need of good drummers up there..........

rest in peace Kevin Corey........

god bless.........
so sorry i can't make it to the wake today.

Deepest condolonses to family members and closest friends...

few weeks back got news from bliss that corey and him wanted to start a weekly meet-up. sigh.

This is so sad.I just can't believe it.

I have a Dat tape which contain some old kevin's unreleased recording track which he passed to me a few months ago.Let me know what to do about it.Please do call

(This is so painful to type) R.I.P. brother you KEVIN COREY
damn! i knew this guy! he was one hell of a funny fella...couldn't tell anything wrong with him the last time i saw him

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