Control pedals to select a few pedals at a time


New member
so hello,

im setting up my new pedalboard..
im not sure if this is the right way to ask, but, is there any control pedals which is i can configure to select a few pedals at a time?

like if i wanna have a sound for a solo, i would like to have the combination of the main distortion, plus a bit of delay and perhaps another sound like phaser or something..
how do i select all these pedals at one go without having to tap dance around the board?

is there any main control pedal for this?
what is it called?
how much and where can i get it?
thanks a lot..
I think you're looking for an A/B switch....

something like this...

so,how many pedals can i fix to this?
and is it a true bypass?

and is the boss line selector is what i shld be looking for?
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you can fit as many pedals as you want. because after the A/B, it's like another pedalboard already. but you need to have a lot of patch cables and cables if you are putting two pedalboards. haha.

erm I don't know about the boss line selector. it looks like it is... so complicated... get something with just a switch lah.. :mrgreen:
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I think you are looking for an effects looper. They have them at TYMC in excelsior building city hall in different configurations and some pedal modders here at soft build them as well.
To activate different pedals at one go and switching between multiple combo of effect, the only way is thru midi switching/programming abliity controller ala the one which future posted.

another alternative if using any sound gadget with midi in/out and need to switch thru the sound patches, is with the loopholic which has its own advertistment banner on soft.

The 2 above are more expensive than most pedals coz the devices involved are more complex than the normal routing of pedal signals( include a/b, a/b/y selector, true bypass strip and so on, which are nothing but just similar action to playing small jig saw puzzle.). The good thing is, theres more control and different combos which can be gotten and activated via the foot controller.

For gadget like a/b, a/b/y or line selector as some company put it, mainly just a glorify "on/off" switch to switch between limited loops/pedals. Compared to the programmable one, theres a lot less thing to deal with and much much more straight forward.

In simplicity, the formal involve electronic switching/midi programming while the later just a matter of mechanical routing.

one more thing to note, do not mixed up a true bypass strip/looper with the a/b, a/b/y, line selector etc. They are both for different purposes, even though theres some similiarity with the way its being put together, internally.

i think the tc electronics will work the best..
is it the one which cost 1k+ at blackwood?

ive been using a lot of multi effects and that has been easy for me to set sounds for different songs..
i play in a cover band working at bars, so it is important for me to get sound similar to what is that in a song..
but then again, the band changes location all the time, the setup changes, the amp changes, and then, the tone from the multi efx will change because of the amp although the output has been changed accordingly..

so it is time to move on to analog pedals i guess..

thanks for the tips..
Dude, you need a true-bypass looper. The TC G-System is a multieffect pedal/signal router, and costs about 2K. The 1K+ model at Blackwood is the Nova System, which I own. It's basically a multieffect pedal as well.

TYMC has true bypass loopers. Check their webpage at

This is how your signal will look like:

................................(Chorus, Delay, Reverb)