Condolences to a friend.....

Sultan.. i'm sorry to hear the news. I pray and hope that you'll be strong and press on to overcome whats ahead.
pls call me if you need anyhelp.. will try my best to help you..

take care man..

To the late Ali Ahmad

From Peter Chua Sr. and Peter Chua Jr. My condolences to you Sultan. Ur dad and mine go a long way back. Hope he has finally found peace now.

I worked with your dad on a few occassions over the years in various bands and shows here in SG as well as across the causeway.

He was one of the nicest, down to earth and humble performers I have ever had the pleasure of working with and knowing and I admired and respected him to the highest degree.

I did a gig with him two weeks ago at the Raffles Town club. I remember that he was fasting and looked really weak but despite the busy and tiring schedule, he insisted on completing his fast. Then it was "business as usual on stage" for him. He was the "Complete Professional".

He sent me home after the gig and never would I have imagined that when I bade him goodbye that night, it would be our last time playing together. Needless to say I was shocked and saddened at the news, more so as I found out too late to attend the services.

I will miss him alot, as would many of us older musos....

May Allah bless his soul.
cherish the moments you had with your dad my fren ...and remember the guidance and love he has provided many a times unconditionally.

My condolences to you and family !!
thanks everybody for posting their condolences, anyway im having a prayer gathering for my dad on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 after 5 plus, if u all free, u can come down to my hse, non-muslims or muslims, no prob.

Blk 816 #05-249 Tampines Ave 4 S(520816)

hp no. - 91822284

email - OR


Sultan - Ex-Audio Insanity , Ridge , NearFatalExplosion
hi remember me from the S.H.I.C ngee ann theaterette gig?
my condolences to your dad. dude . stay strong. keep in contact.
hope to continue your dad's legacy in the music industry.
p.s this is my friend's nick cause i dont have an account here.