comparison between mahogany n agathis


New member
a mahogany n a agatis body
if i slot emgs into them
would da sound be a lot different?
da rest of da specs r da same 4 both guitars

thnks :D
No...........not much difference. Unless the EMGs are passive. Active PUs do not really take the character of the guitar. But of course, if u can get mahogany then yes, get it. Better if u dun want active PUs in the future.
shredrat said:
whats the diff between active and passive PUs?

active requires a battery to run, if the battery run out then ur guitar wont sound.

active PUs tone is more affected by the pre-amp, passive's tone mostly affected by the nature of the bodywood

with active PUs u will usually hav multiple knobs on ur guitar/bass to cut or boost the bass/mids/treble frequency etc.

with passive, most likely you'll just get a tone knob that can cut treble freqs
alka1987 said:
shredrat said:
whats the diff between active and passive PUs?

with active PUs u will usually hav multiple knobs on ur guitar/bass to cut or boost the bass/mids/treble frequency etc.

that would be a active preamp / active tone control ....

most active pickups are just pickups with preamp built in
they still tend to run on passive tone controls
unless you install active tone control separately.
Ratboy said:
that would be a active preamp / active tone control ....

most active pickups are just pickups with preamp built in
they still tend to run on passive tone controls
unless you install active tone control separately.

that's right.

i don't see too many knobs on my EMG equipped ESP...


In my experience, agathis is a cheaper wood species used in budget guitars. It's pretty heavy and tone-wise nothing fantastic, apart from being able to allow cleans to come through pretty well. Lacks the bottom end needed to make a guitar sound full.

Mahogany on the other hand, is relatively light. I'd say that it is relatively light because my G-400 is light, yet when I tried a full-mahogany LP at swee lee way back when it was kinda heavy. Hence relatively light.

Mahogany has a pretty dark tone (generically speaking) and it has a nice grain.

Threadstarter: Would you be comparing woods found in Gibson / Epiphone and lower-end BC rich guitars?
Mahogany relatively light!??!!? U must be kidding right? My mahogany RG weighs a ton compared to my church's agathis bass, they abt same size and the cavities are the same.
loldude333 said:
So............u saying my 1k++ RG has sub-standard wood?

What makes "good" wood?

Resonant + light weight.

But you can put "good" wood together with a neck and = mediocre tone

You can also have extremely heavy, back breaking wood but, good tone.

Who wouldn't enjoy "good" wood and good tone?
I assume that if its played clean, but what about playing with heavy distortion? Are the tones distinguishable under those heavy distortion?
wasp said:
I assume that if its played clean, but what about playing with heavy distortion? Are the tones distinguishable under those heavy distortion?

Depends on the distortion used.

But generally, its harder to tell the difference.

That's why, metal music, don't have to bother so much about the nice-ness of wood etc etc.. get a plastic guitar tat feels good, slap in ultra hi output pups, you can do metal, no one's complaining.
Weight/tone doesn't necessarily have to be related to cost.. I've played $400 basses that felt and performed better than their $1600 counterparts. Same pickup configuration, passive electronics and all that :)
Yeah...........anyway my RGTCR2 sounds very good, clean or otherwise. Got a good dose of sustain and resonance. But i gotta complain abt the weight dude. Sounds great but breaks my back.
wood is wood.

same agathis, damar minyak, kapur, keruing, wotever tree will have wood of different densities at different part of the tree depending on how old is the tree.

its not only the wood. it can also be the how the wood is cut, dried, etc etc etc... too many variables.

plus all the variables on the guitar eg. neck material, fretboard material, fret material, pickups, bridge, nut, tuners yadda yadda yadda....

who dare to be the expert here?

my take is... concentrate on your playing.

leave the wood talk to internet experts like me. :wink:
complain about agathis for wat?
i remember seeing a broken Aria Pro guitar body from the 80s...and it looked like it was made from compressed sawdust...
ciel said:
dodgy la this edder

expertly dodgily yours always.

anyone who have read enough online at and all those big name luthier websites CAN and WILL be an expert in the forum about wood.