Comments? Epiphone G-310

i think u'll be paying for the looks more than the other features such as the pickups body wood etc.

but still, it are a nice guitar'd.=D

although i think u should look for other brands like swing or rally if u're looking for an entry level guitar.

i've heard people saying the SG neck dives but i've yet to experience it.
Put a little more money in, get the g400 at least.

neck dive is a solvable issue, shouldn't be that much of a factor, besides the body is so light you shouldn't have a problem holding up the neck.
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erm if you compare G310 and G400, G310 is like gibson SG special and G400 is like gibson SG standard(because of inlays). and the emily SG is basswood.... not mahogany. If I were to get an SG from epiphone, I will choose G400/G400 custom/prophecy SG/iommi SG.

I think hello kitty strat is cuter than emily SG. :mrgreen:
Well, the differences is minor actually. It is either the colour, finish, design, hardware or da pickups.

Juz a suggestion, u might want to go for copies if u dont wana spend much money on the epiphones.
lol. epiphones are copies. although les paul and SG uses the same type of wood and pickups, the amount of wood used is different. for the epiphone G400s, I will either go for the 1966 G-400 or tony iommi G-400 or the G-400 custom.

or you can look at burny/orville/edwards. they make les paul/SG copies too. AND they have the same big headstock as gibson. :twisted: not those small epiphone headstocks..

for the les paul right, although the pickups and wood are the same, the qc might not be the same as one is standard, one is a custom. I can't be sure that the QC will vary a lot but there will still be some difference.
Well, looking at your budget, a g400 is so much better than the g310. It'll last you longer, and you'll feel better playing it.
I used to play a G400 Faded (I'm giving it back to the guy who loaned this to me cause I already have my own guitar). It's one of the better guitars and it's really awesome. But you might wanna consider changing the pickups. But I think right now, it'd be to get a guitar that you really enjoy. You gotta admit the "Devil's Top" looks really awesome, but I'm not sure if it's the kind of sound you're looking for. Give it a try.
alright... thanks for all the great comments...
considering your comments and my budget i have now narrowed down my choices to...

Epiphone G-400 Faded ($684)

Epiphone G-400 ($856)

the only difference i see between the 2 is that the "faded" G400 uses the Alnico CLASSIC Humbuckers and the normal one uses 2-Alnico V Humbuckers...

the finish is also a little different...

difference in price = 856-684 = 172

so my final question... is it worth to pay 172 dollars more for the 2-Alnico V Humbuckers?
alright... thanks for all the great comments...
considering your comments and my budget i have now narrowed down my choices to...

Epiphone G-400 Faded ($684)

Epiphone G-400 ($856)

the only difference i see between the 2 is that the "faded" G400 uses the Alnico CLASSIC Humbuckers and the normal one uses 2-Alnico V Humbuckers...

the finish is also a little different...

difference in price = 856-684 = 172

so my final question... is it worth to pay 172 dollars more for the 2-Alnico V Humbuckers?

either way, with an epiphone u would most likely end up changing the pickups.
the difference in price, like with the gibson SG special vs faded, is more due to the finish rather than the pickups.

so if u rather have a finish that doesnt ding easily get the normal G-400.
if u rather have a guitar that would look relic'd after awhile of gigs etc, then the faded.
my advise is take ur time and find the guitar u like,
in terms of sound look and playability,
weigh out the erm, importance of each factor before deciding lah
my advise is take ur time and find the guitar u like,
in terms of sound look and playability,
weigh out the erm, importance of each factor before deciding lah

haha alright... just trying to decide now cause swee lee has the great singapore sales atm... oh well... got till july 26...