Coming General Elections- what it means to you

Coming General Elections- what it means to you

  • Not of legal voting age yet, will be more in tune when the time comes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Very happy with the current politics, will support current politicians

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We need more oppositions, please

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sorry- not into politics

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Will support whoever is at the helm

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Current opposition has credibility issues- where's the fight in that?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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vegecrackers said:
To all those who polled to have more opposition, may I ask why? I am just curious.

Maybe it's because we don't want a monopolistic government with nothing to worry about in terms of power? To keep our good ruling party in check, make sure they deserve the attractive salary they're getting paid?

I'm not saying they're bad. Just that almost everyone no matter how dedicated to the job won't work as hard they can when they have little or no pressure.
Western ideals? ill treating prisoners of war? killing others with drugs but needn't face the gallow? bringing a gun to school and shooting everyone down? slapping somebody just because it's fun? These are the things we read from the liberal press of the west, aren't they?
HeartRockSingapore - i agree with you.

the coming GE means... i've to read the political section in the newspaper because i'm just plain ignorant to get to know the stuffs that happen in SG. so far i only know about that Chee guy from another party? heh
well, i think that people's mentality is not so much "oh..if i vote for the opposition my career is doomed" ..i think it's more "aiyah..they've been doing such a good job, why change?"

seriously, if you look at everything that everyone else is complaining about the PAP..and compare it with what the opposition can give it pragmatic and worth the future of the country to have the opposition elected for government? maybe this can change in 20 years' time, but can you imagine any of the current opposition actually running the country sucessfully?

i actually feel that there's only a small difference between the parties..and that at the end of the day..we all want the same result..and we just have different ways of going about it.

though sometimes i really do wonder whether the opposition is just around so that we remain 'democratic'. if there was no opposition at all then we'd effectively be a dictatorship right? and after saddam hussein that word becomes the foulest thing that you can say in politics.
HeartRockSingapore said:
Western ideals? ill treating prisoners of war? killing others with drugs but needn't face the gallow? bringing a gun to school and shooting everyone down? slapping somebody just because it's fun? These are the things we read from the liberal press of the west, aren't they?

sorry those are american ills of society. not ideals. to base all perspective of a whole continent on mishaps is a bit warped(sorry!). so ill treating pows? {sgs got ill treating of recruits!(that case with the dunking thing)] killing others with drugs but needn't face the gallows?( sg's goes a step further, kill the guy with drugs LEGALLY, aha!) slapping somebody because it's fun? (uh... never heard that one, but who doesn't think slapping somebody is fun?)

anyway, let's just make singapore more of a democracy than an autocracy. to call sg a democratic country is of reference only to technical definition. but looking at track record, one ruling party ever in SG's independent 40-year history? oh, lord.

i'm glad that discussion is healthy here, but when its crunchtime, let's just see which box you guys will tick at the polling booth yah.
no! let's have the PAP gather to debate on the current state of affairs. it'll be the most boring thing!

oh wait, that happens daily in parliament.
Ever since the last election, whenever there's an upcoming election, the government will always give out money. To be honest, I look forward to elections because of the money :lol: Money for new gear!!!

But on a serious note, vote for the party u belive in not because of the short term benefits.
Re: ..

rottenramone said:
i'm glad that discussion is healthy here, but when its crunchtime, let's just see which box you guys will tick at the polling booth yah.

wonder if there will be people who don't pick ANY... hmm...?
Such western ills are by products of the so call western ideals. for example, don't legally kill the guy who peddles drug and there will be more illegal killings with drugs...simple logic..grow up please.
HeartRockSingapore said:
Such western ills are by products of the so call western ideals. for example, don't legally kill the guy who peddles drug and there will be more illegal killings with drugs...simple logic..grow up please.

right. i have no idea how the statement on "don't legally kill the guy..." as seen above leads to the sentence before it. but i must say, that this thread would benefit a great deal if you don't pull the condescending "grow up please" crap. sorry man, just had to bring it up.
shuold we be discussing this (politics) here? don want to get Mr Soft into trouble. not sure if people know - but must apply license for websites with discussions/forum on politics ;)
let's put it this way. if you want to post something on the forum, be sure that you are capable of backing up your post in real life. it will be good for you and me. :wink:
M said:
shuold we be discussing this (politics) here? don want to get Mr Soft into trouble. not sure if people know - but must apply license for websites with discussions/forum on politics ;)

on the legal front- if you aren't putting forth anything slanderous/ defamatory, you are safe.

there is no need to apply for any license for political discussions, the reason why politics aren't actively discussed is partly due to people being unsure whether they are going against any legal limitations.

btw, this thread was started to promote domestic political awareness, not a personal domain for dissidence. also, be mindful of what SOFT would get into should you decide to get opinions on sensitive issues.
you guys must check out the young pap forums.. damn farny the posts they make there.. wonder how those guys get away with such awful posts about the garmen. :lol:
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