well, i think that people's mentality is not so much "oh..if i vote for the opposition my career is doomed" ..i think it's more "aiyah..they've been doing such a good job, why change?"
seriously, if you look at everything that everyone else is complaining about the PAP..and compare it with what the opposition can give you..is it pragmatic and worth the future of the country to have the opposition elected for government? maybe this can change in 20 years' time, but can you imagine any of the current opposition actually running the country sucessfully?
i actually feel that there's only a small difference between the parties..and that at the end of the day..we all want the same result..and we just have different ways of going about it.
though sometimes i really do wonder whether the opposition is just around so that we remain 'democratic'. if there was no opposition at all then we'd effectively be a dictatorship right? and after saddam hussein that word becomes the foulest thing that you can say in politics.