coloured strings.

I've got red DR 10's on my SG, I live near the sea so normal strings i.e. ernie balls rust within a week's playing. DR's didn't affect my tone at all, they're pretty decent and last much much longer.
Guys, I got my Cleartone strings yesterday.
The strings rocks, I can't even feel that it is coated.
No dulling of tone and the tone produced is very balance.
Abused the strings for 5 hrs so far, will give more review
about the strings when i use it long enough.
Cleartone uses nano technology to coat its strings where its 1000 times thinner than the others ....its like nothing is on !!
i got it from my fav guitar shop. standard value!
the cost of cleartone strings is 3 times the price of normal strings.
7 hours, still rocking perfect.
Jazzit_man said:
i got it from my fav guitar shop. standard value!
the cost of cleartone strings is 3 times the price of normal strings.
7 hours, still rocking perfect.

7 hours still too young! give it a month!
edder said:
Jazzit_man said:
i got it from my fav guitar shop. standard value!
the cost of cleartone strings is 3 times the price of normal strings.
7 hours, still rocking perfect.

7 hours still too young! give it a month!

exactly...a normal string could last a week..haha so yeah give it more time dude