Classical music lovers!


New member
Hi all, just wondering, how many of us listen to classical music on a regular basis?

share your favorite classical pieces here! haha!

i personally prefer 20th century modern music compared to the classics, altho i do listen to Haydn abd Beethoven etc etc
Lots of favorites. From Baroque to Romantic. Too many to list!

Some absolute favorites - Respighi, many Tchaikovsky pieces, Verdi's operas etc etc. Some quick ones off my head. My iPod just shuffled to Grieg's music the other day - haven't heard for a while and realised how much I loved them. Impossible to list all I liked!
+1 to this thread! I personally prefer romantic- 20th century stuff, like Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky, Wagner etc, but anything goes!
Big Ravel fan: Pavane pour une infante defunte, string quartet in F, piano concerto in G, Valses nobles et sentimentales, piano trio in A minor.
Darius Mihaud: La creation du monde
Richard Strauss: Also sprach Zarathustra
Gershwin: Piano Concerto in F
Shostakovich: String quartet no. 8, Piano trio no. 2
After the wars Philip Glass, Steve Reich, Gyorge Ligeti
I grew up with baroque & classical music so I do love classical music! (more of baroque actually)

Kinda more attracted to the baroque composers (typically bach, handel, vivaldi, corelli, tartini...)