Christian/Catholic rockers come in!

Vaiyen said:
that is scary. I for one, prefer prayer to be more dignified.

haha.. no lah he means the worship session can be very energetic. but when it comes to prayer, no one is shouting nor jumping nor floor shakin la...keke. dunno abt the rest of the services but for 1st service, its pretty normal la.
hi Vaiyen, are u a christian? Dont worry, our God is not that stern old figure or that emaciated ang moh with his hands cupped around his chin, as portrayed in many pictures. He is one we can chat with, he is our abba father, which literally translates to "DADDY GOD".

For one thing, it is recorded in the bible, David was dancing through the streets in his undergarments, praising God, and God was pleased. But one of his wives came and scolded him for being so "undignified", and she became barren for the rest of her life.

In the bible, im not sure if its revalations or where, but it is stated that if no one would give praise to God, he would raise up the stones to praise him.

It is also written that we should praise him in all forms and with all instruments! :)
well for one thing, i believe that when u say "dignified", its a sensitive issue: some people are more charasmatic than others. i myself feel that i'm somewhat stuck in the middle of traditional and charasmatic. so c'mon, dont shoot Vaiyen down so fast, christian or non-christian.

why? when u're dancing and waving your arms, when you're jumping and shouting with your friends next to you, is it not distracting? do u not sometimes start jumping because the person next to you is doing so? if u know your heart and u're right with God, then u'll know what's right and what's wrong. =) did u know that u can dance to hymns too =) and that nowadays a lot of songs are not very "right"?

the 101 (and probably more) questions u can put forward to yourself to figure out, am i charasmatic because of my personality and offering to God, or is it just something i'm doing because of the people around?

>> u mean david had more than 1 wife? o_O i need to go read the bible more...
MichaelAngelo said:
Vaiyen said:
wah quite egoistical hor.
what do u mean? are u a christian in the first place? maybe u wont really understand the things we do or say. :)

Put it this way ... different churches are like different children of God ... some are active and some are passive ... some are outspoken and some are more quiet. It's not up to us to criticise anyone nor make anyone conform to each other's behavior of worship .... so just respect each other's space shall we? Many church regulations are based not on God's law ... but men's preferences ... we have to discern accordingly. Peace ....

Yes brother, that is where the denomination comes in. Charismatic churches tend to be more expressive in their worship & services to God, while methodist & anglican are more passive & sort of "conservative" so to speak. Brethren churches like mine tend to have a mixed of both in our services.

Love & Peace to all brothers & sisters in Christ :) Ciao.
Ha, there's also the baptists ( where I come from). But even within baptist churches, the worship style's pretty varied. There're some with a full band uip on stage, whereas we're always an acoustic trio or quartet, depending on who's available to play.

Anyway, on the subject of music, can I recommend this Christian band called the Parachute Band from New Zealand? They're the kinda configuration that I like, a trio (I like quartet also). Very good melodies. Pop rock style.

Ahh yes I left them out. Check out Chris Tomlin & his band - Passion as well. Good stuffs. Got 1 band formed outta ex-Sonic Flood members - its called Saturate. They got good alternative rock songs.
ok what i meant was, the praise part was really going n hyper n energetic. but when it gets to the worship, everyone wld settle down, n yeah. dont worry vaiyen, we all have our own form of expression our love n worship for God.
CrispyEgg said:
>> u mean david had more than 1 wife? o_O i need to go read the bible more...
haha, yes! he had lots of wives in fact. And he even intentionally caused the death of one of his best generals so that he could steal her wife. He did so by sending that general to the frontline during a battle, and being at the frontline of a battle is sure death. The God told David(i cant remember exactly, but heres the main message), "If u want another wife, you could have asked me for it, and i would have given one to you, why did u kill to get another wife?"
david had lots of wifes? i thought, anyway.

Brethren, which is what i am, quite conservative one. my church is lah. all the old hymns for morning worship, but more contempoary songs for youth though, but few instrus still.

yeah, and this thread a quite old right xD
btw,we r stoopid man...
juz because robert johnson can do great stuff with the guitar they say he made a deal with the devil...

tt's my definittion of RETARDED!!!
One of my most respected Christian Guitarist .... Paul Jackson Junior .... you can check out his solo album .... some of his greatest works can also be found in Don Moen's Deeper in love, Ron Kenoly's Majasty and Resound in praise.