Choosing the next guitar


New member
Right, I have a Gibson Robot guitar limited edition 1st run (Les Pual Design)

Now, I have $1500 as budget for my next guitar. Should I get the fender or Ibanez.

For fender I can get the stratocaster, american standard
While for Ibanez there a lot choices

What should i get, ibanez or fender
1) We dont happen to play the same music as what you like to play, so i guess its hard to say which guitar to get

2) We dont happen to know the preferences of the guitar that you like, so i guess its hard to recommend which guitar to get

3) We have no idea about what you dont like for guitars, so i guess its hard, again, to tell which guitar to get, since we might recommend the thing you dont like.

4) The individual character in us, will have our own preference and dislike, unfortunately, might be the opposite of what you are looking for, in the guitar, so i guess once again, its really ole so hard, to mention the guitar to get

5) Help us, help yourself, tell us your preference for guitar, eg solid body, with pointed horns/headstock, semi hollow body, single oils, humbucker, 22 frets/24 fret geetar, scale length, blah blah and blah and many many other more. Force yourself to think hard, THINK of every possible things that you like, dislike for this new guitar you want to get. And who knows, if you can come up with such a list, you will already have the answer
to the question.

6) If no idea of what you want and whether do you need to have 2nd guitar, imho, just buy any model from anyone of the 2 brand. Since if you have no idea of which one to get, most prolly it wont matter which guitar you will get eventually.
If you don't have something you're yearning for. Then don't buy.

Otherwise you're just buying for the sake of buying.
I apologize if I'm judging, but it seems like your putting out that you own a pretty decent guitar, proclaim it is for collection, and ask very elementary level questions on getting another guitar.

I hope you do not get that I'm trolling, but it smacks rather of showing off in a pompous way.

I'm not against you having a money for another guitar no not at all, but I just feel you should be doing your own judgments and learning on what your next guitar should be, Singapore having enough stores and sources of decent instruments and having reliable broadband access practically anywhere you go.

Then if you still cant decide between a Gretsch 6120SSU, a Gibson ES359 or a Ibanez PM120 as an example, come to the forums and get I'm sure many point of views and advice on your next purchase.

My utmost apologizes if I have seen your actions the wrong way.
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