What is guns n roses without axl rose and slash...?
Even if there's axl rose in the band, without slash, it just sound so awkard...
Appetite for Destruction is still a classic....nothing will ever top that......
From lose your illusion onwards they lost their drummer steve adler for matt sorum. Matt has more of the arena rock feel rather than that frantic punk-influenced drumming of Adler, which is why the stylistic elements of AFD remain so different from LYI. Steve has a more unique style...he even blended funk elements in Welcome to the jungle....sorum was more er, well normal? nothing interesting....but he has improved a great deal, and i think he's alot better now in VR.
Velvet revolver-SET ME FREE
Well my fav songs from the 2 bands are these lol
Slash VS Slash HAHAHHA
Adler was never on AfD either... He was always too drugged out to record, remember? They used a sessionist for AfD.
Matt Sorum was good in the Cult. I think he brought something big sounding to the band for the later GnR albums.