China Milk powder issues

eh, guitarcritic, arent sporeans KIASU as well?? you say that like china people are kiasu while we sporeans arent liddat...

rickylah, i have to agree with you. some have so much free time, they bother to use newly-produced iPhones, take pictures, didnt delete them and packaged them........ this...
eh, guitarcritic, arent sporeans KIASU as well?? you say that like china people are kiasu while we sporeans arent liddat...

rickylah, i have to agree with you. some have so much free time, they bother to use newly-produced iPhones, take pictures, didnt delete them and packaged them........ this...

- Apple gets bad press about using sweat shop factories in China to build ipods.

- Suddenly photos turn up of cute happy chinese girl at iphone factory

Perhaps these two events are related? Apple are pretty good at marketing.
advice: don't jump on the hate bandwagon simply because it's easier or fashionable to do so.

Actually, I think we're just voicing out what we think about the issues in China. It's not everyday people get poisoned from milk you know.

Have the wisdom and maturity to understand that in any culture/society/religion, there are bound to have bad apples, and also gems.

Yeah, I agree. Most of the Chinese there are decent people, just not the politicians, and some of the shop owners. I have a group of friends from China, the're nice people, and very happy to get away from their own country, strangely.
China kiasu

advice: don't jump on the hate bandwagon simply because it's easier or fashionable to do so. That's truly animal behaviour.
You wanna show you're a better type of person, demonstrate it with your words and actions.
It's easy to denigrate and insult. anyone can do that. But it's way harder to live Life to higher principles.

Have the wisdom and maturity to understand that in any culture/society/religion, there are bound to have bad apples, and also gems.

Criticism is not fashion and i dont think its fashionable, some peeps just couldnt accept facts and figures coz they are ignorant or stuborn maybe? Simple
China made Milk
- The Chinese should have known the danger of melanine(dont tell me they are stupid, i dont think so),

- Nothing quite new about China poor products
- Meatballs were made of styrofoams in China
- Some other food products made of cardboard and stuff
- Children toys contain lead/dangerous substances/chemical
- Latest dangerous melanine in MILK
- Babies died.

Im pretty sure there are some other factors as well, these people needa change, without criticism and boycotts to thier products by the world, they wont change, some people wont change without being "booted in the A.." or "Spanking". And these Chinese people in China need to change thier attitude, bad attitude, they do something outstanding, out of normal people behaviour/attitude/habit, they are just too weird, they eat dogs, domestic cats, and i believe alot more, name it, whatever's crawling and breathing they would eat...thats the world's perspective towards them especially other Asian countries, and we all know for thier unhygienic habits, like crouching on the stool eating thier noodle and spit here spit there, blow thier nose, throw phlegm etc, this is one of the example of thier habit which is unhealthy, generally they are the same from politicians - Cleaner, they have this general attitude which is unhealthy, including KIASUISM in them, they would think of making money till they realise thier action will cause deaths but still they continue thier dirty business...

Talking about maturity - China is one of the earliest civilisations, they should be more stable/control/productive and effective to the positive way but Yes they are productive but same time destructive, instead of being positively effective, they turn out to be negatively contagious.

You dont have to comment my words by saying im "Not mature" coz the things i have mentioned were not mine, its the voice of the world, i have nothing else against China except for the things i have mentioned, dont take it too personal if youre a supporter of China coz you cant run from facts and figures. And yes it take maturity to understand the things i have said as well........ if you cant accept these things, it means youre being ignorant, an ignorant person usually - self centered, nerd, selfish, childish as well, or immature.
China products are everywhere, its quite difficult to avoid them, so its kinda scary that they have pretty poor quality control. Last year was toys, this year milk, dono whats next.

As for China's kiasusism, this milk saga has hit their own people the hardest, unlike other episodes which hit products that are mainly shipped overseas. I am sure they will learn a lesson from this, hopefully.
It's difficult for people outside China to understand China. Most judge China from tinted lens. It's not as easy as that. I have been living in China for 6-7 years and work with rural/poor people. Until one understand what it means to earn $300 a year to support their family, no one can really criticise the country. Socio-political-culturally, it's entirely different (and probably more complex) from any other country you know.

Granted, some things shed really bad light - like melamine added to milk. However, the concentration really varies across all the dairy products - Sanlu being the worst. Hence why only the babies were affected - and those infants drinking Sanlu products. Sanlu must have made a mistake in production, because the concentration of melamine compared to other products is totally way off the charts. However, it's no excuse for errors like these (and many others). Heads will have to roll (and they have).

Still, we cannot generalise. Neither can you criticize the govt. The people in Beijing are high-powered technocrats. Most of them are good at what they do and wants the country to improve. I know - I have worked with them. However, China is a big country. What gets imposed at the top level doesn't always equate to what happens down the hierarchy.

Calling for boycott is simply not the way to go. Because it doesn't affect those that create the problems, but destroy the rest of the poor who has nothing to do with it. It does nothing, changes nothing, but hurts the innocent. China is changing (and improving), and it is going by it's own route and time. Any external forces attempting to change China by their own way will fail.
Oh Dime, it happened way BEFORE the Olympics. It's just that it "surfaced" later.

Don't complain guys - I have been drinking Yili milk (one of the tained products) for the past 6 years without knowing they've added melamine. I'm the one who should be complaining.... but as it is, I can see China as a whole trying to weed out their many issues. Quality control of food products being just one of them. It's not easy for them. But they are, and will, get better.

Oh Dime, it happened way BEFORE the Olympics. It's just that it "surfaced" later.

Don't complain guys - I have been drinking Yili milk (one of the tained products) for the past 6 years without knowing they've added melamine. I'm the one who should be complaining.... but as it is, I can see China as a whole trying to weed out their many issues. Quality control of food products being just one of them. It's not easy for them. But they are, and will, get better.

Its true not easy but, liek you mention theres no excuse for products that will be sold worldwide, no excuse at all, yes the world need to protest the way they manufacture thier products, who says easy? yes its not, they have to do something fast, well, the world can just shut up and stop buying products from them eventho they are cheap but at the end of the day, China gonna lose, anyway the world would give minimum tolerance on this kind of matter coz it involves lives of the millions and billions coz its worldwide.... it has not happened to you own baby, just imagine it happens to your very first baby/child...only those who have kids would understand the feeling..those havent got children wont understand how hard you try to understand you dont feel it, back to tthe topic... yes if it happens to your first child the effect from this would be very very bad, depression, frustrations, people would go crazy and violence even, why why? because of some peoples' selfishness, carelessness, stupidity, and of course Kiasuness to make money...what ever it is and how ever it is, this thing shouldn't happen eventho you are desperate for money, China's technology is not bad at all they have nuclear tech on par with America, Russia, India etc etc, and why is this happening? It's either a sabotage OR just the ignorance of these people making the milk..

Again it's not easy, but yet theres no excuse.....................NO EXCUSE.........means NO MISTAKE for these people in this world's sake!!
China and Vaiyen

guitarcritic: :) why did you take what I said personally?

It's ok you might understand in the future.

I did not take it personally but i feel for the parents who lost thier babies because of the stupid MILK..and it;s ok you too might understand in the future..:)
then you do realise the irony of venting on China when it's mostly Chinese parents who have lost their babies? Do you feel their sorrow? Sincerely?
Or are just jumping on the hate bandwagon I mentioned earlier because u already have a deep-seated prejudice against China and now u have a convenient excuse.
Think about it slowly.

It is instructive that you responded directly to my first posting when it was not directed at you. Maybe my post hit a raw nerve. I need you to think about why it is so.
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lucky it happen after olympics.if not the whole world would be affected by the masses.

Apparently it happened as early as March but the info was surpressed ... :(

I wonder what kinda milk the competitors drank during their stay there.:confused:
hmm how come the issue didnt come up before the olympics?maybe the officials already knew.but kept on a low so that it would not disrupt the 'nation changing event' dubbed the olympics.

maybe if the issue was brought to the press before the occasion, representatives of the olympics might not want to participate in the Beijing 2008 i've read some where in the beginning, these chinese people in mainland china are for profits.neglecting the consequences.