Chester Tan at SoundClick Acoustic Piano Charts Top 10


New member
Hi people,

Months ago, I uploaded a piano composition, 'The Garden of Eternity', on SoundClick, one of the most popular MP3 sites on the web. Today, the song reaches #24 on the Acoustic Charts and #6 on the Acoustic Piano Charts.

This is what a fan wrote to me:
I really love your music and I also play the piano. I've browsed through all of the acoustic pianists at soundclick and I find your to be truly the best and the most genuine. Rather than play your music over and over again, I was hoping if I can get a copy of your music sheet(The Garden of Eternity). If you could email it to me I'd be very appreciative and thankful. Keep doing what you're doing because you do have fans.

Please visit the link and listen to my songs:

Chester Tan
hi chester; congrats on your achievements. will take a listen to it when i get home. ratings on soundclick are a little suspect though so don't mean to burst your bubble but take it with a pinch of salt. my songs have been to No.1 spot before and i've also been approached by american 'record' companies who want to sign me up etc, but be very weary when u are contacted. in fact, ignore it. unless they call you. heh.
sorry if i seem a little negative, but just thought i'd share some experiences just so you won't make the same mistakes.
Hi fibredrive,

Thanks for your advise. I perfectly understand the 'flaws' of such click ratings. It's like, the higher your song goes up the chart, the more people notice, and as more people click and listen, the ratings go up yet again. And being on the top doesn't mean your song is good, it just means a lot of people click and listen. But isn't this how the industry works? Claims about the best-selling album is all about sales figures, not necessarily means the song/CD is good. And even those charts that supposedly based on votes are somewhat fabricated, the classic example being American Idol.

I guess I'm just feeling over-the-top on the fact that my song that has laid dormant in SoundClick for months suddenly got people interested to listen and hitting the Top 10. It also coincides with my upcoming album launch, so I hope to generate more interest to listen to my songs.

My album website is
yeah its true. american idol is classic example. actually singapore idol even worse. heh.
but nonetheless, its a great place to get exposure. soundclick that is. looking forward to hearing ur track tonight then.
AWESOME...the best piece i heard on piano so far.....was great fun tremolo picking on my guitar trying to follow the melody...keep up the good work! I really love eternity...can't wait for CD.
though i m gonna sound like i'm copying wad other's have said, Wow....its really nice. Soothing, relaxing and yea emotional. U played on a keyboard or on piano? If its on keyboard, how abt composing something that sounds rather dracula-ish? Jus a suggestion, u can ignore it.
Hideo said:
though i m gonna sound like i'm copying wad other's have said, Wow....its really nice. Soothing, relaxing and yea emotional. U played on a keyboard or on piano? If its on keyboard, how abt composing something that sounds rather dracula-ish? Jus a suggestion, u can ignore it.

Thanks for your compliments... why a dracula-ish song? You need it for a project or something? Horror music is not my forte, as you may find.
what i meant was, sound from pipe organ, like played by those vampires. er.....get what i mean? anyway its jus a suggestion. Cause i like that kinda sound. I find dunno, it jus appeal to me more.
yea.. gd job.. pretty nice.. uncomplicated playing but u managed to capture e feel n brought it out nicely.. like it v much..
well done

good to see someone come out
with a solo piano album in Singapore.

the first one of original contemporary music ?
Re: well done

bongman said:
good to see someone come out
with a solo piano album in Singapore.

the first one of original contemporary music ?

I dare not make that claim, but it seems that there isn't any local new age contemporary piano albums that I know of.
Cheers to you!

Whatever it is, CHEERS to you!

Hope you can bring pride to Singapore if you make it to the int'l scene.

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