Checked out this dealer?


New member
Hey guyz...

Anybody around here tried buying stuff from :

Excel Sports & Music
47, Tannery Lane, Elite Industrial Building II
#02-05/04, #03-06, #06-03
Phone: (65) 68411055, 68415907
Fax: (65) 68416606


They seem to be the official retailer for several drum dealers.Gretsch 1 of them.I cant remember wad other brands...but i know its quite a lot.

Anybody lookied into this dealer?
Im quite interested in the Gretsch Catalina Birch Series...
lepids said:
hahaha!! ur mama allowed u to buy liao ar?!

sort $$$ problem.Haiz...freakin poly fees.And my bros SIM fees...grrr.

PS: u make it sound lyk im a mamas boy! :smt021 haha
lepids said:
??? that's ranking sports warehouse?! if like that ar.. DW got half price? :p

in ur dreams :lol:
stick with wadeva u hav fast wanna buy!
lepids said:
soft, hope u tell me where the showroom is quick!!!

DW snare.. :D woot..

its at the 3rd level of bras brasah complex.. u can see it once u get off the escalator.. its called 'Ranking sports and music' or someting likedat.. 8)
huh? i was hoping that it was not ranking sports..

the one at tannery say excel sports and music lei..
frummer, ranking sports do have DW stuffs. no money to buy only.. that one i asked for a price range.. they abit looked down me, dun want to tell me. scare i cannot pay(which is true!).
then say the cheapest kit is 8k. then i ok lor. walked off.

maybe they dun display the stuffs. i thought i saw one DW snare there long time ago. but oh well... i think they have what u want in the catalogues.
I noe they import.wad i meant was they dun put at showroom.

They oni put their DW5000 double pedals there...
Freakin ex shiat.

1 thing i dun lyk abt ranking is...they cant giv the exact quote if they dun hav stock.the last tym i went there to ask abt the pacific FS series, they blur blur.then 1 auntie say 3k.nonsense.she anyhow shoot 1. :roll:

sold for 695 at US.Singapore 3k?she's 1 weird auntie. :lol:
lol.. they are one good shop.. selling alot of affordable stuffs. they sold the lazer electronic kits at around $250? yeah.. with pedals. a great price for beginners.

now the thing is.. excel sports and music=ranking sports?!
i suppose so...

by any chance u noe how much is the Gretsch Catalina Birch fusion sizes kit?hmmm...

Ludwig Accent CS Custom S$1200 US$600
swee lee quote.

Big pile of nonsense...haiz... :roll:
not too sure. from, it's about 750USD? catalina birch shell pack.. so i assume it's around 1.5k or slightly lesser?
lepids said:
not too sure. from, it's about 750USD? catalina birch shell pack.. so i assume it's around 1.5k or slightly lesser?

after calculation...750 x 1.65 = x

0.05 x X = y

x + y = 1.3k


ludwig accent CS custom is still cheaper... :lol:
wah.. i dunno what u referring.. but dun forget the shipping costs.. so actually it adds up to about the same.
if u mention shipping costs...

then the gretsch is still more ex.coz the quote for the ludwig accent CS custom is quote from swee shipping is in oready.