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wah.... you're a thai beer fan! have you tried Carlsberg Elephant Red? Not exactly Thai but it just reminds me of Thailand. It was available for a limited time during CNY many years back.[/quote]

long time ago dude,cant remember the taste liao!actually,chang beer and carlsberg was made by the same thai brewery 2 yrs back,after some dispute,the carlsberg we now drink locally are all made in msia.
strats said:
sharity is gay. so is barney. and hippo and friends.


changbeer2 said:
Narcoleptia said:
Hey changbeer, watch your filthy words. I will bash your head so far in you'll end up with no neck.

WAAAA!!!!i beri scare leh!!!hahaha!!!*yawnzzzz*another cunt trying to be cyber hero :oops:

and you're another cunt trying to act big. go back to SBF lah uncle
strats said:
lol edder i thought there wasn't any topic in the first place> the thread was started as an all out flame against the forum. which failed rather miserably. btw, i kiinda dislike beer. heineken is okay i guess. BARONS!

aiyah you people need to learn subtlety....

make love not war. fuck fear drink beer.

don't like beer still like BARONS? you tamileh or you hardcore drinker?

edit: bwahahhahahaha.... auto spelling censor! hahahahah.... BEST I LIKE!!!!
strats said:
changbeer2 said:
Narcoleptia said:
Hey changbeer, watch your filthy words. I will bash your head so far in you'll end up with no neck.

WAAAA!!!!i beri scare leh!!!hahaha!!!*yawnzzzz*another cunt trying to be cyber hero :oops:

and you're another cunt trying to act big. go back to SBF lah uncle

SBF? changbeer from Singapore Bikes Forum ah?

ok change topic!!! what bikes are you all riding???? :lol: :lol:
Lol who's the cyber hero? -yawns-

Nercoleptia: Nice music (your myspace). I like the bluesy feel lol.
edder said:
strats said:
lol edder i thought there wasn't any topic in the first place> the thread was started as an all out flame against the forum. which failed rather miserably. btw, i kiinda dislike beer. heineken is okay i guess. BARONS!

aiyah you people need to learn subtlety....

make love not war. love fear drink beer.

don't like beer still like BARONS? you tamileh or you hardcore drinker?

what's tamileh? i'm neutral towards beer, the cheapest thing with alcohol in it. can't expect me to drink vodka all the time right :lol: grey goose expensive ma
strats said:
and you're another cunt trying to act big. go back to SBF lah uncle

nbcb,got ur fxxk problem har?i like to look for cunts,thats why i'm here looking at all the cunts!and of coz,u qualify as a BIG CUNT...shall i named u MRT tunnel?? :roll:
ok kids....

I'm outta here. Work is piling up.

Have fun discussing beer. Keep it real. Make love not war. LOVE fear drink beer(sic!)

and most importantly....


:lol: :lol:

edder gone troppo. ask fgl if you don't know what it means.
changbeer2 said:
strats said:
and you're another cunt trying to act big. go back to SBF lah uncle

nbcb,got ur fxxk problem har?i like to look for cunts,thats why i'm here looking at all the cunts!and of coz,u qualify as a BIG CUNT...shall i named u MRT tunnel?? :roll:

look in the mirror can liao
changbeer2 said:
strats said:
and you're another cunt trying to act big. go back to SBF lah uncle

nbcb,got ur fxxk problem har?i like to look for cunts,thats why i'm here looking at all the cunts!and of coz,u qualify as a BIG CUNT...shall i named u MRT tunnel?? :roll:

Somehow, I don't think he'll be that eloquent in real-life, without the screen and keyboard to hide behind.

Oh yes, just to pre-empt you and your atrocious abbreviations: You'll probably flame this reply with some nonsense like, "fuck you cunt, stupid, cunt, tunnel, kiddo....blah blah blah..."

Doesn't take a genius to predict your behaviour, and basically, nobody really cares. If you're really going to reply to this in that exact, demeaning manner, then you're really off your rocker dude.

"I sense much anger in this one"
MA: nothing much to discuss about beer anyway. unless you wanna talk about the hops, malts, grains blahblahblah.
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