Hehehe...!!! Here I am. Oh...Grace, Vicko, and all the softa you invite in advance heh Hecklerkoch? And then the Softo you last minute invite eh??
Btw...in Italian everything that ends with 'a' for instance amica, softa are feminine. And everything that ends with 'o' like amico, softo are masculine. So here's my version of defining the gender of softees. Hehehehe...!!!
Hey Softo Hecklerkoch...love to come but I have a band practice tonite with Rudimental Drummer of Reckless Hearts and the rest. Hehehehe!! If you tell all the softo in advance we might have adjusted our schedule.
Anyway, Happy Birthday Heckler Azlan!! May Narnia be protected by you always! Enjoy and get drunk!! Have a Bombay Saphire for me!!