Calling all pedalboard gurus for help


New member
Would like to consult any 1 of you who's using a pedalboard right now, regarding the mounting of a wah pedal.


As you can see, mine has 4 thick rubber footing below. Any idea on how to "fix" it onto the pedalboard, other than taking out the rubber foot. I've seen nycpedalboards including a pedal platform for such, but has to purchase the pedalboard and not exclusively available.

I've thought of getting a pedaltrain jr, but it only comes with a padded bag..not a hardcase. Above that range is outta my league, considering the board from mrmisse now...only if i can solve the problem of mounting my wah :?
Well, for a cheap way... you CAN... use cable tie. But 1 thing, you gotta have anchors for the cable tie... if you were using a wood board, you can nail it down, but on a normal pedalboard... Hmmmm.... The cable tie method is as secure as your anchors.

The other thing is, if you have the space on the wah, to use a large strip of industrial velcro and tape it over the wah, down the sides (secured with velco), then onto the pedalboard. Having some velco at the sides of the wah to how down that large strip will ensure your wah don't move. Industrial velcro is ridiculously strong so yeah. Its non damaging too.
Unless you get a replacement base plate without the footings, you pretty much need to remove the footings.

If you want the hardcase, go for the pedaltrain 2, but bare in mind the shipping is killer. Total will come close to $500. I bought my PT2 from someone who barely used it, so I guess I got lucky.
Shredcow: i'm not using velcros, trying not to deface my wah...its a gift from my gf. Sentimental value i guess?

Lifehouse: yeah, but pedaltrain pro is kinda too big for my usage sure was lucky. How's your amp? I'm contemplating a JSX in the future if possible :D

Luke: Thanks for that great site! I'm emailing them right now if 1 of their plates do fit my clyde deluxe. The case there sure are tempting for me though hahaha
edo83 said:
Luke: Thanks for that great site! I'm emailing them right now if 1 of their plates do fit my clyde deluxe. The case there sure are tempting for me though hahaha

I have one of their pedal boards. Its a behemoth but they make a good product. Their customer service is simply excellent. When I ordered my first one, they warned me it was going to be huge but being the man that I am, I thought I could make it work. Well it was way too big for most club stages in the world let alone Los Angeles so I had to send it back but they told me they could retrofit one and give me something more suitable for me at minimal cost. They did, I loved it, and its the pedalboard in my band's practise space.

My gig pedalboard is the Pedal Train pro only because I like the incline it affords me. I am able to reach all my pedals with a minimum of effort. Its a life saver on a dark stage and you are the only instrument accompanying the singer and you have to switch from your 200 ms delay to your flange.
Cool. I'm pretty pumped up, as my wah's been stuck in my room and it's cumbersome to lug out another bag just to bring it for jams.
edo83 said:
Lifehouse: yeah, but pedaltrain pro is kinda too big for my usage sure was lucky. How's your amp? I'm contemplating a JSX in the future if possible :D

I actually wanted to get the JSX during the sales. The moment I reach the warehouse, it was being wheeled out..... Anyway, it's high on my list next year.

The Ultra is good, probably needs some SED power amp tubes and EH Preamp tubes. I'll be ordering some soon. So far, I find it sounds better with my friend's Evo pups than my Tonezone.

BTW, ur PT Pro is here in SG or back at states?