Buy/Sell ethnics

son my ass. this kind of testing issues all must spell out clearly in the ad. if not people sure take advantage
if you really want to have an advantage from a deal, at least do it without offending anyone. before you make such a deal, you can politely ask a seller/buyer that if you get a better offer from other seller/buyer you may call off the deal. give the other guy this option also, not just you.

be "kiasu" in a nice way.

if you made a deal you have to honor it even though you found out you're at the losing end. it's unethical to back off from a deal. you should have done your homework before giving your word.
It's something like ebay. Once you started submitting your bid, you are already bound by a contract. Similarly, when you make a deal to your fellow softie, you "bind" (quote and quote) yourself with this unwritten contract. It's your obligation to fullfill that deal.

If you don't don't pay up for that item you won from ebay, you can get a negative rating. It's something like walking off from a deal. You won't get a negative rating if this kind of attitude is acceptable, hellow! wake up!

To me, it doesn't make sense why people still defend this kind of attitude in this forum. Well... everyone is entitled to his own opinion....
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Repeat after me:


Happened to me a few times also... i got on the train making my way to hougang and the person tell me.. i decide to cancel the trade and said only sorry. What can i do? suck thumb. Another kid also give me a lot of problem and give me reasons like, it's beyond my traveling distance. I mean, jurong to tiong baru mrt.. u dun even need to get out.... Sometimes i wonder, which part of deal at my convenience they do not understand. Doing them a favor by meeting some where more convenient and yet still come out with so much pattern.
tis is my encounter... i had a deal... he said he lived at the same place as can deal conveniently...

the day b4 the deal... he replied he already got a better deal.. and say cancel the deal...

i reply that we have agreed to deal.. even spell out cannot back out.... den its very irresponsible...

his reply:
No.. i am not sorry....

its so wat la...

and theres one guy who is asking to buy an item... den he always push back the dealing time... now he wants me to give in totally to him... i live at boonlay.. he wants me to meet him at boonkeng... i say if can compromise... at outram.. he can go home conveniently there and me too.. his reply is:

no i dun take mrt.. i take bus home...

like zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
It's something like ebay. Once you started submitting your bid, you are already bound by a contract. Similarly, when you make a deal to your fellow softie, you "bind" (quote and quote) yourself with this unwritten contract. It's your obligation to fullfill that deal.

Difference is with eBay, the User Agreement binds all users (buyers & sellers), and it states that any bid won forms a binding contract under law - which means the seller and buyer are not allowed to renege on the deal. Breach of the contract makes the defaulting party liable for sanctions (negative feedback, possible suspension for repeat offenders).

However under regular forums (and classifieds) the normal law of contract applies. You need elements of offer, acceptance and consideration (which is a specific legal term). If there is no consideration (look it up here - then there is no contract. Which means your "sealed deal" is worth jack.

All you have is someone's word which of course depends on their own moral compass of what is and is not ethically acceptable. Cold comfort when somebody else backs out on you on a deal, but dems da breaks.

The cornerstone of all commercial trade is trust. Without a system of trust that one can rely on - dealing on forums and classifieds can be a dodgy affair. My take is, if you would rather deal on a forum which has its advantages of convenience and ease - do the deal as soon as possible and always bear in mind and be prepared that someone will not show up at the last minute or lowball your ass. If that happens just deal with it. It's just par for the course - human nature can be an ugly thing.
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no worries, glad to be able to clarify.

as the troll dude said earlier, you have to weigh the pros and cons of any trading platform or medium. With forums and classifieds the sheer convenience draws many people - but the lack of a proper registration and verification processes (and site enforcement) often means alot of trash wash in with the tide. after all - what does it COST to list an item? - nothing. what's stopping anyone from abusing the system? and when some poor dude gets ripped off or played out and posts a plaintive tearjerking story, my cynical hardened side just thinks ... well, that's what you get for putting blind trust upon a stranger.

personally though, i think that if you tell someone you'll sell him an item at $100 and then back out because someone offered you $101, then you are simply an asshole. period.
i agree with danelectrico,

as for the OP, i personally wouldn't mind if a seller backs out cos someone offers a better deal, its happened to me a few times haha. i wont try to offer an even lower deal though, cos sometimes some play that trick to get you to do that.

i just think, nair mind la, another day post again, someone else would come.

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