Boss PW-10 V-Wah vs. Dunlop Crybaby 535q

haha sorry man randolf just asking i got a 95q can u mod it as well? what improvements can u add on to it?

Problem is i don't tink its true kind of "distorts" my clean tone and i have to back off the volume even when the pedal is supposedly bypassed.
hmm but mine isnt the the GCB 95, mine is the 95Q crybaby wah....with auto return like morley wahs.......
namle said:
inductor inductor

but isnt this wah runs on a fasel right?

squeez in where for the inductor... i believe can take out the fasel and replace the inductor in?

the 535 uses an inductor that's to my ears a variation of the red fasel. The 535 model is derived I believe from the inductor's specs of 535mh.
Ized said:
haha sorry man randolf just asking i got a 95q can u mod it as well? what improvements can u add on to it?

Problem is i don't tink its true kind of "distorts" my clean tone and i have to back off the volume even when the pedal is supposedly bypassed.

I can't seem to recall if the 95Q is smt component build. can u o a quick visual of the innards and let me know?
embryo said:
namle said:
inductor inductor

but isnt this wah runs on a fasel right?

squeez in where for the inductor... i believe can take out the fasel and replace the inductor in?

the 535 uses an inductor that's to my ears a variation of the red fasel. The 535 model is derived I believe from the inductor's specs of 535mh.
i opened mine and the position for the inductor contains the red fasel

the REAL red fasel
If it's real Red Fasel then u can pat urself on the back and smirk yourself silly :wink: Just make sure it's not a cherry flvoured strepsil.

You can confirm this by tapping it lightly with your pinky's nail... if done correctly the red fasel will emit a weak rather soft but throaty "warh warh!" leme noe how it goes ya!

heheheheheeh just kiddin'!

i pretty confirm that its the REAL RED FASEL... erm judging by the look not whacking it yeah

and i believe thats very place for the fasel can dump in the inductor

apparently thats possible for the 95 as well... choice of fasel or inductor?
ohhhhhhh now i have the confirmation

here comes the BIG FAT QUESTION

what exactly is the difference between INDUCTOR and FASEL? :P
namle said:
ohhhhhhh now i have the confirmation

here comes the BIG FAT QUESTION

what exactly is the difference between INDUCTOR and FASEL? :P

Fasel is a brand name the inductor. like the JRC4558 op amp chip the fasel inductor do not possess outstanding specs but whats special about it is that it emits extra overtones accompanying the central frequency. theoretically that's a technical no no in hi precision electronics design but we geetar players consider that true blue mojo! we are a confirmed weird lot and mighty proud of it too ya! Heh!