Blackstone MOSFET OD - comments?


New member
Hey people, anyone own(ed) a Blackstone MOSFET OD? Any comments / comparison viz the usual TS & TS Clones, other OD pedals etc? Already been thru the HC reviews already, just seeking some other views.

if you own a blackstone MOSFET OD i'd love to have a try to see how it sounds - cos the online clips are... clipping... literally.

thanks all.
Come come, come and try.

I live in Tampines.

PM me and we can have a demo session.

I have owned a TS9DX, modded later, and there's really no comparison with the Blackstone lah. Dynamics, clarity and overall as-amp-like-as-possible tones belong to the Blackstone. I detest TS pedals though, so I'm being bias-ed.
However, that said, the Blackstone would give you a nasty shock if you are used to the compressed tones of said TS-type pedals. People have shunned it because of that. Don't ask me why.
Oh yeah, the Bstone doesnt' have the bass-cut, mid hump of a TS type pedal. Its transparent, thru and thru.
And it sounds a lot like my Goblin (americian setting) cranked actually.
for some reason i'm thinking of green creatures that lurk under bridges and abduct unsusecting children.

hmm :/
ShredCow said:
Come come, come and try.

I live in Tampines.

PM me and we can have a demo session.

I have owned a TS9DX, modded later, and there's really no comparison with the Blackstone lah. Dynamics, clarity and overall as-amp-like-as-possible tones belong to the Blackstone. I detest TS pedals though, so I'm being bias-ed.
However, that said, the Blackstone would give you a nasty shock if you are used to the compressed tones of said TS-type pedals. People have shunned it because of that. Don't ask me why.
Oh yeah, the Bstone doesnt' have the bass-cut, mid hump of a TS type pedal. Its transparent, thru and thru.
And it sounds a lot like my Goblin (americian setting) cranked actually.

Mangojuice :cry: suffered the same it's RIP :cry: :cry:
ah, i was told that you had one. ever a/b'd it with a wmum OD?

tampines is a ways away. i'll pm you if i can scrape out the time to drop by.

thanks for the quick trolls, i mean replies ;)

all tongue in cheek, of course.
Haha.. dude, tell me abt it.
I found it VERY weird that people prefer compressed, TS type tones. Oh well. For humbuckers, it don't make sense to me. For vintage output singles, hell yeah, okay, fine, why not.
yea, i'm starting to move away from that TS sound. nothing bad about it, but i'm just a bit tired of it myself. i still appreciate the TS mid hump for sc guitars... and oddly enough i'm sc-fying my guitars so... need to see if the blackstone is for me or not.
milkmesto said:
ah, i was told that you had one. ever a/b'd it with a wmum OD?

No, but I got to play with a WMUM OD after I had my bstone. I tried the WMUM just recently, 2 mths back?

They are different stuff. The WMUM is smoother, has this, erm.. how to put it.. its sound less "open" than the Bstone.

Nothing against the WMUM, its just different.
milkmesto said:
yea, i'm starting to move away from that TS sound. nothing bad about it, but i'm just a bit tired of it myself. i still appreciate the TS mid hump for sc guitars... and oddly enough i'm sc-fying my guitars so... need to see if the blackstone is for me or not.

By all means.
The Bstone has the single coil drive mode for the RED channel.

Or if you like the orange channel a lot, you can have 2 of them.
shredcow> no worries. glad to have some comparison for reference. anyways its all about personal preference. e wmum's got a permanent place on my board, and in my heart hehe.

goose> long time no see :)
but well, the clips, on the site, do note, that the bstone, it sound hairy, almost "fizzy"?

Yeah, its meant to sound like that.

And it makes a very very nice boost, think along the lines of other mosfet boosters, like the Zvex SHO, there's some similiarity when using the bstone to boost. A bonus, due to the extremely clean up ability, it helps clean up whatever drive pedal its boosting, very easily.
Shred Cow is it compared to Skrew Driver :?
Btw the Mayo with little switch tweakin the tone freq is out ...Gas Gas Gas
See here
ShredCow said:
but well, the clips, on the site, do note, that the bstone, it sound hairy, almost "fizzy"?

Yeah, its meant to sound like that.

another hairy.. sweeeeetZz
Its very different.
Ah. How to put it.

Okay, if you listen to the clips on the website, the first thing you would notice is the hair, the bstone has this hair to the tone. Not so with the Screwdriver (SD), the bstone has more hair.

2nd the clipping of the bstone, I dunno if its a characteristic of trannies, but it doesn't sound like... erm.. I dunno... the notes don't meld into each other as much? The SD, while its supposed to have a mosfet section, the notes seem to meld together more.

3rd, the bstone has little compression. the SD has more. the SD can "sing" better than the bstone.

4th, the bstone sounds DAMN open! It doesnt' sound "boxed" up like the other pedals. Even the demo with the Klon, matchless and stuff, it has the most open tone. Its still more open than the SD.

Actually. Forget my words. Haha. I'll drop by your place. When you free? Tonight? :P I just got my smokey modded SD back, so the family is complete once more.

I want that Mayo with the switch dammit.

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