BEWARE wif dealing non-locally n unknown ppl!


This is terrible and I'm sorry to hear that.

I dont know if this could help any of you dealing in Malaysia. We do trade heavily with Malaysians so does alot of Singaporeans Company (to most of the states especially to KL) and sold auto parts in large volumes eg hundreds of thousands on each deal..........Taxes itself will rendered any Singaporeans uncompetitive (though our prices can be in real terms much cheaper). In fact, most Singaporeans company had shops/warehouses now in Malasia...we have 8 in different states now.

So, it becomes a practice here, that many uses what we call a "Third-Party" who are Malaysians Transport Company (I know 3 of them) to deliver any goods to our buyers in Malaysia....Of course we pay them for service charges because - the under-declaration or no-declaration - is now no longer under our liabilities (if been caught) - which usually they won't.

Reasons - these special transporters had relationship with the Custom Officers in Malaysia (what goes behind - we dont care) and their vehicle will only be randomly checked .... like action action only - they will get through the custom....these people had been in the business for donkeys years....

This is the only way to trade (and be competitive) if we are to sell there.

PS:- Of course there is nothing that we can do now, but if any of you need help in this manner - I will most happily advice and help you out (just share the contacts) - - - but will be through PM or phone calls only.

I can only say : - The best practice and safest way is - ask the buyer who is a Malaysian to contact (the Transport Company themselves - though the contact is given by us - cause they are Malaysian who travel many times a day in and out of Singapore) - - let the buyer bear the cost here (wont be much) - while we ourself just ensure that we received the $$$ Cost of Goods first...that's all - The rest be it caught or not caught (not our problem) - - and not to worry-these people are Professionals...they know how to feed their custom - it's their rice-bowl.

Selling across Borders thus need special care.......and believe me China is one place (where the Risks is highest) friend had been fined Half a million dollars and being Jail for 2 months in one of the states....even though he though all contacts through Governmental Link had been covered.....the Law changes very quickly...
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the problem lies with the MALAYSIANS!

Haha ... I pretty much thought someone would say this sooner of later. No worries - just don't come into our country :) Better check your water supply - we might be supplying you sewage water also for drinking water.

I happen to remember that a lot of fraud happens in Singapore also especially among softies... but then again I may be wrong. Oh - I forgot Singapore does not need police force right?

To the rest of the Singaporeans - sorry - just had to dig it in a bit ;)

Congrats....We have a certified smart A** of the day.

Original poster - I think we can ask the ACA (Anti Corruption Agency) to do an investigation. Up to you -cause there may be a bit of hassle on your part. Important thing is if your sister and BF can still identify the officer.
now now Tany... a few bad hats doesnt make the whole malaysian ppl bad...

this kustoms bribery thing has been going on for a long long time... and will continue a long long time to come unless the msian government does something drastic to eradicate this problem.

FireZ, u kena ketok man... I sincerely hope that you can get back your $ but looking at this scenario, there's a very high chance that you can kiss your money goodbye..

My fellow softies... Beware in trading with overseas buyers/sellers. As much as possible, complete the trade in Singapore. After that, where the buyers/sellers bring the stuff to, its their own problem. Nothing to do with you no more...

(T), since you've been doing biz here a long time, please assist FireZ as a fellow softie and musician. Be a man Dude!
i feel for you bro.. 3.8k is a lot of money. do seek legal advice, because the amount seems really excessive.

hey whats thats buggers nick anyway. he should be banned from soft.
3.8k is crap man. I think they see ur sis and her bf could be the type who can kena makan easily.

No receipts mean u dun have a case to proof.
even if 3.8k tax i would just turn back and return to singapore. was it possible to do so? even have to pay its not worth la. means like you're topping up 3.8k for the trade. lol. wth. didnt ur sis call you when she was in that situation?
yo all softies...
-first of all...pls get it clear...i'm totaly not against partially my fault too...well...1 bad doesn't mean all bad ya...jus being fair.. for the nick..i wouldn't one to mention it till i get a problem reply..if he is being unreasonable..then i'll state it...but somehow...he wun wish to pay e most gif me his BC rich bass guitar value around 1K+
-3rdly...they did gif us a receipt... Shredaholic: they did contact me but i'm in Police was off..i got to know it e day after when i called them... sis bf did intend to throw away n jus move off..but the custom dun allow as in..they detain his car too..n die die wanna them to pay e fund...they can't do anything abt it..
-6th...i wish he could pay..but most probably he can't b took me 2 hrs to cool myself down when i heard it from my sis...wat i'm piss is abt the attitude of the person...coz after i got to know the situation..i smsed him..he told me tat he told my sis bf tat he wanna cancel...but the prob is...b4 he mention the cancellation, they were already detain...n my sis bf contact the trader n told him abt the situation first...then during the 2nd call he then mention he wanna cancel!! gosh.... n i was told tat...the trader was complaining here n there abt the custom police through phone while tokin to my sis bf...n he mentioned tat he will get a lawyer to settle...ended up he did nothing..all jus talks...

so...ur get my "piss" off point from?..payin e amount, i treat it as a lesson (which is damn a lot for a broke person who jus started serving NS, as for (T)...he is shd b an active musician...sold quite a lot of expensive basses through this forum yet he dun wish to help up since he is a working adult n he is the cause tat lead me into this deep shit )...(T) didn't bother to step up n settle e situation...imagine...u go to a foreign country meetin some1 whom so call "know"...n then kanna caught at custom...knowin no 1 other than tat only person...yet he dun appear...e feeling of lost is for unbearable!!!!
O..n also...he told my sis bf tat the got a nite perform at 10pm..unable to turn up...damn ass crap..we agreed damn early tat my sis bf car will arrive between 7 to 10pm lor...i did tell him to wait there...then he told my sis bf he got performer..cannot turn up...

totaly i trouble 5 2 sis, my sis bf, my bro in law n my bro in law frenz who drove him there...

i'm damn sorry to them lor..2day i saw them i kept apologising.... the feeling of being "bad" is something i can't withstand i gonna slowly pay my bro in law for a amount which i dun haf to pay initiately if i dun try to b "understanding" for others...i could easy use e money to buy lots of better axes...

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FireZ, the $3.8k is Singapore dollars? It is for Import Tax?

There must be some mistake here. How much did your sis declare for your Sound System?
ar ha...dunno..anyway...i'll jus put a stop currently...coz 2nite booking in...jus reached home from church... main point is to remind softies to take for who's e (T) is...wun mention for now...till next wk if he still dun reply me..
cheers peeps..
NB. 3.8k can go there eat at all the famous restorans, eat until got stomach pain pain then go to the high class klinik. speed there get caught by polis can bribe. still got leftover.

FireZ: Just name the SOB. Seriously.

I just dealt with a Malaysian drummer, tc_zen, damn fine chap. Hassle-free and he knows his stuff. Not all Malaysians are pricks, in fact, I'd be more cautious dealing with a Singaporean than a Malaysian. Of course, only if the transaction with the Malaysian is completed here in Singapore. Once outside the country, EVILBAY.

I believe its not kena makan easily. Or maybe they use the Green Lane to bring the things in. Normally this case will happened if you bring in things by using the Green Lane. I can say this because I kena once and the fine was RM6700!!!. If they use the red lane and declare the items, you will only kena tax for few hundreds only. So next time study first before you do. I can say this is your fault but not the "T" person. And if you ask him to give you the BC Rich guitar just to ease your pain, I think its not fair to him cos earlier stage, you are the one who want to trade your PA with him. And actually you should ask him to bring the guitar to you, not you bring the PA to him. If he cannot do so, just look for other buyers. It wont waste your time and money as well.
Yes this is expensive lesson to learn. And another thing is the topic of this BEWARE wif dealing non-locally n unknown ppl!. Can't you see that this is a blamed to someone??? So to FireZ, next time if you have anything to sell, just ask your friends or people that you know to buy instead of post it in the forum so you wont get cheated. Or if you really want to post something like this again, put the topic as BEWARE OF MALAYSIAN CUSTOM or BEWARE OF BRINGING THINGS TO MALAYSIA because with your topic itself, it really make ppl who live outside Singapore feel bad, especially the "T" person. As what I can see here is, you are pointing fingers to someone else due to your stupid mistake. Sorry to say this but this is fact.
I'm sorry to say this..but jacky,i was so into ur words at first,but in the end,i really cant agree with u..

How could u say someone shouldnt be BLAMED for NEGLECTING part of his RESPONSIBILTY? That 'T' guy was the one who asked FireZ to initiate the trade after the customs.And when the situation went disastrous,he simply said he would like to cancel the trade.Actually,not 'would like' rather juz cancel it off.

If you're a Malaysian,then i wouldnt be surprised that you may be replying the thread in an emotional state or somewhat.But what fact is fact,T ran away from his responsibilty.Keep away from going into the topic 'about Malaysians'.FireZ had no intentions.

I have a band in msia,performed twice at CT Plaza lately,and other places.Frequently dropby there.Taman U is like my 2nd home.XD So it's up to you if you would treat me like an outsider and my speech is unreliable,but sorry,my stand is proper.

No hard feelings,Malaysia's music scene rocks..!
If you read the thread right through, many things have been pointed out to the TS, and FireZ has also acknowledged his part in this cock-up. So, that's done. And we don't have to go into such minutiae as what to call this thread and what words to use and so on.

What remains, I think, is to help FireZ in taking some action to either recover his money (in part or in toto), or at the very least, to have this matter reported to the relevant Malaysian (or Singapore) authorities. Because, don't forget, this time it's FireZ, soon it will be someone else (or touch wood, another softie). Let's see if we cannot help make this sort of blatant crime (because that's what it is) less easy to be perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.

edit: the above is in response to jack
To me that "T" person is a good person. I just done a trade with him and everything goes very smooth. Infact, he did told me about all this problem before I've seen this in the forum and he did discuss and ask me if I can help "his friend" to settle this case.

For FireZ, when your inlaw called him and he refused to show up; of course, if I were him I wont show up as well because when you get caught, you ask somebody to come over and responsible the charges while that guy dont know how he get caught. As I mentioned earlier on, maybe they use the green lane because when I saw the amount 3.8K, I can confirmed it is a customs compound but not tax cos I experienced it before (RM6700). So, if it is a tax of 3.8K, get the details i.e. receipt, officer in charge name, time and lane number. If you have all this, maybe I can help. But if you don't have all the details, just take this as your BAD EXPERIENCE.

For haz flow = "If you're a Malaysian,then i wouldnt be surprised that you may be replying the thread in an emotional state or somewhat.FireZ had no intentions." Please read this form the begining and you will be understood. And what does it mean?:confused:

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