Best heavy metal songs to play for a heavy metal band?


New member
Just wondering what bands and what songs would be the best songs for a heavy / thrash metal band to play.... like, what you'd LOVE to hear if YOU were watching--
Iced Earth stuff, songs frm And Justice for all. Highly recommend Iced Earth, but you gotta have lots of stamina...chugga chug chug
nice yeah.. i love iced earth and you're right ... always good to have some metallica :)... which songs you reckon are the BEST to play.. entertaining wise and skill wise
Van Halen - Right Now, Jump, Dreams, Love Walks In, Why Can't This be

The Beatles - Helter Skelter, Revolution

Nine Inch Nails - March of the Pigs
Spin the Black Circle by Pearl Jam. I know Pearl Jam aint a HM band but that song sounds heavy metal
try stuff from dragonforce, pantera & slayer..

Dragonforce - fury of the storm

pantera - cowboys from hell, flood

slayer - most of the slayer stuff are pretty heavy and nice....
I'm not sure if this band existed - Steel Dragon. They played this nice metal song entitled Stand Up & Shout, which is the OST from the movie Rock Star.

I set it as ringtone for my phone. Totally rocks!!
TylerDrake said:
nice yeah.. i love iced earth and you're right ... always good to have some metallica :)... which songs you reckon are the BEST to play.. entertaining wise and skill wise

Iced Earth - Stormrider
- Pure Evil
Metallica - Blackened
- Creeping Death

Dont play master of puppets, its too common and boring. Pantera stuff is quite heavy as well
Hmm, if talking abt thrash.

Of course these few will be nice, destruction,sodom, anthrax :lol:

Would like to covers of Iced Earth, hammerfall, LOG 2.
Testament! - Over the Wall, Trial by Fire
Anything from Metallica's Kill 'Em All! I rarely hear anybody playing Seek and Destroy, Whiplash, No Remorse or Phantom Lord. OMG F@NB0I!!!111
boone said:
Testament! - Over the Wall, Trial by Fire
Anything from Metallica's Kill 'Em All! I rarely hear anybody playing Seek and Destroy, Whiplash, No Remorse or Phantom Lord. OMG F@NB0I!!!111

seek and destory my favourite... power!!!
what the hell

Try anything from brutal death bands ar. See whether you can handle. Play something from bands like Disgorge, Beheaded, Goratory or Vomit Remnants. For what i know Flesh Disgorged is the only Singapore band to play brutal death metal. any of you heard of them????????