Best heavy metal songs to play for a heavy metal band?

Huh? Who's Flesh Disgorged? Never heared of them. The only heavy metal band that's worth mentioning is Ronin. Everything else is false and weak.
mellapong said:
yeah Lombardo.

eh i like everything by iron maiden a lot. especially dance of death. but i know maybe around 10 songs only. any recomendations?

Iam a huge maiden fan.

U can try listening to some of their albums like,

Seventh son of a seventh son ( highly recommended) :P
Number of the beast
Iron Maiden

IMO, almost ALL their songs are good.

Ther`s a song call 'strange world' by em, which is not so popular n nt so much pple know abt it but its damn nice! and 'infinate dreams'.
Matno said:
Huh? Who's Flesh Disgorged? Never heared of them. The only heavy metal band that's worth mentioning is Ronin. Everything else is false and weak.

you sure you know what you're saying??? you must be drunk or high.. :?
Matno said:
Huh? Who's Flesh Disgorged? Never heared of them. The only heavy metal band that's worth mentioning is Ronin. Everything else is false and weak.
hey dude is ronin even heavy metal?lol..dun think so.

i think iron maiden would be a nice recommendation.
yes, i think iron maiden is definitely smth i would choose.
i cant get enuff of the trooper and hallowed be thy name.. :P
altho these songs was also played by bands like children of bodom and cradle of filth respectively. all sounds cool. 8)
If you are to stray off away from trash i would sure like to see a band cover Children of Bodom.I nv saw a singaporean band cover them before.

Try Needled 24/7 or Downfall.
children of bodom does a quite a few of those iron maiden covers. maybe i can post my band playing everytime i die from COB and aces high.. hahaha. 8)
sure no problem.. but let me get rid of my fuggin FINAL YEAR PROJECT 1st hahahaha.. then ill jam again with my band and post it

i am addicted to 'infinite dreams'! damn nice!

eh anyone else has recomendation for good iron maiden songs? can't get enough of em
somebody said:
actually my band is an Iron Maiden cover band. we do dance of death and killers too. and a number from their Dance Of Death album, titled "Paschendale". and lots others. got some recordings of the songs too. haha.


hey- RESPECT to your singer! haha

specifically, refuse/resist



'tallica - anything really but metal militia would be awesome


hey guys, i'm so sorry to say that those songs are just some of the worst things i've heard?!.. i mean.. i wouldn't say death metal is my favourite, but i can appreciate good music?.. it was just banging drums and strumming as fast as possible?!.. and that stuff at the beginning of all the songs?.. are they a joke band?... i just dont appreciate that music at ALL!?

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