Best heavy metal songs to play for a heavy metal band?

heavy metal : Riot Thundersteel
: Loudness, perhaps Angra or Crimson Glory
Thrash:Kreator, Lamb of God, Morbid Angel
this is a few bands.. quite heavy
can try

1)trivium(pull ur strings, deceived,departure)
2)ateryu(bleeding mascara)
3)killswitch engage (numbered)
5)children of bodom
6)arch enemy
7)funeral for a fren
10)sonata artica
11)system of down
:smt118 :smt118 :smt118 :smt118
TylerDrake said:
hey guys, i'm so sorry to say that those songs are just some of the worst things i've heard?!.. i mean.. i wouldn't say death metal is my favourite, but i can appreciate good music?.. it was just banging drums and strumming as fast as possible?!.. and that stuff at the beginning of all the songs?.. are they a joke band?... i just dont appreciate that music at ALL!?

i'd call it goregrind more than death metal.. and they're pretty good to me, especially LIVE.. its crazy i tell you..
TylerDrake said:
hey guys, i'm so sorry to say that those songs are just some of the worst things i've heard?!.. i mean.. i wouldn't say death metal is my favourite, but i can appreciate good music?.. it was just banging drums and strumming as fast as possible?!.. and that stuff at the beginning of all the songs?.. are they a joke band?... i just dont appreciate that music at ALL!?

hey man they're a very big band in our region.. u gotta show some respect for them whether you like their music or not.. you cant just go ard saying that it's not good music. obviously you have not listened enough of that kinda music to tell whether its good or not. so ease up on the comments.. everyone has a right to have their own taste of music.. cheers~ :wink:
man...metal is a broad genre.... woohooo!! slayer, metallica, pantera, system of a down, dream theater, dragonforce, machinehead, sevendust, fear factory, king diamond, motorhead
should consider old-school heavy metal influential bands like Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Dio, Mercyful Fate. Good musical roots in them [ rooted from blues ] in general, the band has to dig them and can pull it off musically. :P a vox with a wide range in pitch and control is required, to make this covers sound decent.
Paulo said:
should consider old-school heavy metal influential bands like Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Dio, Mercyful Fate. Good musical roots in them [ rooted from blues ] in general, the band has to dig them and can pull it off musically. :P a vox with a wide range in pitch and control is required, to make this covers sound decent.

How many people in Singapore, let alone anywhere else could pull off a Mercyful Fate song vocally :lol:
I've never seen a band cover a Mercyful Fate or King diamond song.
My previous band did cover them...but couldnt do the vocals the end we skipped it...

No matter what...King.D Rules!!!
Jr-V said:
I've never seen a band cover a Mercyful Fate or King diamond song.
My previous band did cover them...but couldnt do the vocals the end we skipped it...

No matter what...King.D Rules!!!

totally agree.
Children of Boredom too..
neuro182 said:
I'm not sure if this band existed - Steel Dragon. They played this nice metal song entitled Stand Up & Shout, which is the OST from the movie Rock Star.

I set it as ringtone for my phone. Totally rocks!!

i think it's by DIO

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