Best Guitar polish around


New member
Hi all, Just wondering which guitar polish you guys have used that you would recommend to me. I am currently using a GHS gloss polish.

Well what I want from my polish is enough protection and of course lots of mirror shine. there are so many brands out there.

can help?
good advice

I bought the dunlop 65 twin pack just from swee lee.

Let me check out if the results as claimed!!!! :-)
Any polish as long as it does not leave residue is good stuff.

What I would like to recommend you is a good polish cloth. The one that I'm currently using has got nothing to do with guitars per se, I found that "guitar polish cloths" tend to leave lint and made it rather difficult to clean the guitar.

I've been using a 3M Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, one swipe and the guitar is clean. It's absolutely non-abrasive, washable, and it's texture picks up any dirt like metal to a magnet.

In fact this cloth picks up dirt so easily, I doubt you would need a polishing compound to begin with.

I get mine at home-fix, 5 bucks per cloth.

Fender has a great cleaning cloth as well, essentially the same thing as the 3M one, microfiber technology.
i agree with SoulJah (how you doin bro).

the cloths do a very very decent job. plus, you dont run any rish of screwing up any part of your guitar with liquid.
i've been using dunlop's formula 65 for almost 3 years now. Does a good job wiping off thick grime or oil from glossy surfaces to restore it's shine, my only bad is that it doesn't stay that way or leaves a 'protective' layer on.

I've tried that on other surfaces too, like my spectacle's lenses, mouse pad, table etc. Cleans wonderfully. Doesn't spoil my wood.
good advice

works great! yah using the free cloth that came with it.

Qkumba... specs lenses??? u gonna try on contacts soon?

definitely better than the ghs I was using so much more luster..

I agree with the cloth but I need rather the wax with it. good cloth alone doesnt shine the guitar la
dunlop fret board kit rocks oso..the cleaner dissolves the crap in it n the oil moistures it and darkens it..i used it daily for bt a year n now my rose wood is lyk ebony from diff angles.

Well there's application in moderation and application in excess. Applying too much of the lemon oil might not be good in the long run. Like the oft-used phrase, if it ain't broke, why fix it?
HIMYNAMEISARTHUR, OH MY GAWD DAILY?! i do mine only when i change strings, DUDE, dont they tell you to remove the strings before cleaning man?

too much of a good thing doesnt make it better.
lemon oil caution: this fluid has an overall acidic content, daily application is certainly not recommended. luthiers would tell you that it'll soften your rosewood in the long run.
Autoglym Super Resin Polish....... yes it can be used for guitar as well. It can fool you into believing that its a new guitar.