best amp model so far..


from a thread about asking best amp model to sucking dick
we are becoming another sammyboy? LOL
maybe maybe thats why guitarists are engrossed by pedals/efx/tone cause its akin to being given the blow..whats next , FR on the best value for $..tarma action on pedals?

i think what zax is trying to say is multi-efx rob you more of your dynamics than analog effects do. Since most multi-efx do at least some form of "signal processing". but hey, multi efx are nowadays much better than what they used to be back then in their heyday.

Faizalhacker, if i were you, i'll did grab a older multiefx with analog distortion(e.g the older digitech RP series) these older models were digital units that featured analog distortion onboard. makes quite alot of difference. I used to own one but now i've switched over to full analog(read: single efx pedals).
Do consider the Roland Cube series and the Vox DA series
both are considered versatile amps imo
they have quite alot of amp models to choose from...on board effects...reverb...delay...
on board equalizer

the cube and DA series have almost what u need in the amp already

however if u are running pedals thru ur amp
its recommanded not to get digital amps
like line 6..cube and da series
I think you guys shouldnt put him down if he wanna get those amps mentioned....

not everyone can live with a half-stack in their house you know...i turn up my 10 watt amp to 3 and my mom can alr hear me playing from downstairs.....I live on the 5th floor.

hmm, decisions, decsions......

practicality too....
Well it is true that you're evidently not doing enough research on your own, instead hoping to be spoonfed..
And its quite obvious that you don't intend to learn and change your methods..
People always say that you get what you pay for..
Now I'll say you get what/how you react..
So what? When people post to share info, opinions and such, EVERYBODY (ie. threadstarter, other newbies or even seasoned players) get to learn something from this. SOFT didn't create this section called "Rookie's Corner" for nothing.