Beginners unite!

not all of us got decent pay. i've got a measely 400 a month. probably only decent if u dont have a habit of leaving home on weekends -.-
that is sooo true! measly pay! Well its hard to put down what we exactly need to learn... cos we're still so noob in pretty much most things.
haha yea i find ur way of finding the notes in the chord very interesting...makes finding chords a whole lot clearer. thanks again :D
WHOA, 400?! Hmm. Well, for a schoolkid 400 is quite a bit. :D Hmm, but honestly, go out, you can't seriously blow 400 on a night out... right?

try this: 400 does not include transport. not forgetting transport when u leave school is no longer subsidised by the govt so u're paying full adult fare. that just sucks considering u're not even getting full adult pay. next, of cos i dun blow 400 in a night out, unless of cos i buy gear, then its a diff story. but considering there are 8 days of weekends a month on average. its only $50 a day!! oh wait!! i forgot to minus off transport =/ now u get what i mean?? :)
I see, i see... but don't ns men get subsidy or concessions or something? O: don't y'all get bonuses for the end of the year or anything like that? Oh man, i'm starting to hate ns :(
but 800 a month is really ........ *speechless* and here they are pounding you to the ground with the trainings and stuff LOL
lol no bonuses for NSFs. but i'm glad my pay is close to 800 bucks la :(

$800!! :( thats alot more than mine :(

well we got subsidies for transport...say ard $110 for both train and bus concession (if u call that subsidy) and yea diff ppl get diff pay.want $100 a month?? expect almost hell for 2years!! then u'll really have no energy to practice when u get home -.-

anyway, lets not get carried away. when's next meetup?? :D
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$800!! thats alot more than mine :(

well we got subsidies for transport...say ard $110 for both train and bus concession (if u call that subsidy) and yea diff ppl get diff pay.want $100 a month?? expect almost hell for 2years!! then u'll really have no energy to practice when u get home -.-

anyway, lets not get carried away. when's next meetup?? :D

LOL 100 a month ? thats insane LOL :mad: X3

YEAH YEAH whens the next meetup :-D
hmmm when is the next weekend that anyone is free just post here? :)

my next free weekend would be this sun afternoon onwards :)