beginner guitarists gathering

so these r e modes rite....

C D E F G A B C -- Ionian – MODE 1
D E F G A B C D -- Dorian – MODE 2
E F G A B C D E -- Phrygian – MODE 3
F G A B C D E F – Lydian - MODE 4
G A B C D E F G -- Mixolydian – MODE 5
A B C D E F G A -- Aeolian – MODE 6
B C D E F G A B -- Locrian – MODE 7

but the only diff is tat each mode starts on a different note, so why must i memorize all of em?????
(their sequence/arrangement r e same >> ABCDEFGA)

memorise the shapes not the notes in them. unless of course u know what every note on the fretboard is. but its all up to u dood...just my 2 cents. if u think its redundant then by all means haha!!
Damnn.... i really wanna come for e gatherin but i can only make it after 4pm. (zzz..theres still so much stuffz i wanna learn)
yaaa.... can anyone tell me the best order for learnin guitar theory, here r some of e topics i wanna touch on:

- scales
- chord theory (as in how 2 form em)
- chord progression
- circle of fifths & fourths

(if theres any essential stuff i left out, plz feel free 2 add on)
Easier to understand method is to relate the modes to the major scale or minor scale eg:

major modes: *referring to same root*
Lydian: #4, beside the #4 tone and the 4th tone in major scale, there is no other diff between Lydian and major scale.
Mixo: b7. sama as above
These are the particular tone that differentiate the particular mode from the major scale. If you don't emphaisze them, then you are just playing no different from major scale.

Minor modes:
Aeolian: b3, b6, b7 compare to 3, 6, 7 of major scale
Phrygian: b9, compared with 9th of minor scale
Dorian: 6th, compared with b6 of minor scale

learning modes by CDEFGABC is Cmajor DEFGABCD is D Dorian doesn't really help beacuse you are missing quite a lot of thing.

Takes a while to memorize. but after you memorize, you still dun noe how to play properly because you cannot hear the flavors of each mode. Then you watch this video:
yaaa.... can anyone tell me the best order for learnin guitar theory, here r some of e topics i wanna touch on:

- scales
- chord theory (as in how 2 form em)
- chord progression
- circle of fifths & fourths

(if theres any essential stuff i left out, plz feel free 2 add on)

hmm scales I know only diatonic and pentatonic and blues and some other weird name scales. Well u can go wikipedia read up on that. any questions u still don't understand can ask.
chord theory how to form chords hmm bf0502tr I think should be quite good at it now because I keep teaching that during those gathering at city hall area lol. well just join some gathering and ask me about it.
Chord progression hmm this is something i'm still working on. It's really a lot of chords thing and very fun, u get to solo with chords using chords to solo. I can share with u during gathering also but the pre requsite for this is to know your chords if not u blur lol
Circle of fifths and 4ths this one very easy, is just add 5 or add 4 lol nothing else, u can use it for compositions like most jazz songs are circle of 4ths and can use for finding key signatures yea.

many things to learn also like rhythm
u have subdivision, and those odd time signature how to count them, comping, etc
for lead ahh u see lah soo many lead guitarist ask any one also can tell u what to learn lol or is it I don't see much rhythm guitarist around lol
Easier to understand method is to relate the modes to the major scale or minor scale eg:

major modes: *referring to same root*
Lydian: #4, beside the #4 tone and the 4th tone in major scale, there is no other diff between Lydian and major scale.
Mixo: b7. sama as above
These are the particular tone that differentiate the particular mode from the major scale. If you don't emphaisze them, then you are just playing no different from major scale.

Minor modes:
Aeolian: b3, b6, b7 compare to 3, 6, 7 of major scale
Phrygian: b9, compared with 9th of minor scale
Dorian: 6th, compared with b6 of minor scale

learning modes by CDEFGABC is Cmajor DEFGABCD is D Dorian doesn't really help beacuse you are missing quite a lot of thing.

Takes a while to memorize. but after you memorize, you still dun noe how to play properly because you cannot hear the flavors of each mode. Then you watch this video:

Addy cradles's style of remembering modes, remember the sound.
Easier to understand method is to relate the modes to the major scale or minor scale eg:

major modes: *referring to same root*
Lydian: #4, beside the #4 tone and the 4th tone in major scale, there is no other diff between Lydian and major scale.
Mixo: b7. sama as above
These are the particular tone that differentiate the particular mode from the major scale. If you don't emphaisze them, then you are just playing no different from major scale.

Minor modes:
Aeolian: b3, b6, b7 compare to 3, 6, 7 of major scale
Phrygian: b9, compared with 9th of minor scale
Dorian: 6th, compared with b6 of minor scale

learning modes by CDEFGABC is Cmajor DEFGABCD is D Dorian doesn't really help beacuse you are missing quite a lot of thing.

Takes a while to memorize. but after you memorize, you still dun noe how to play properly because you cannot hear the flavors of each mode. Then you watch this video:

i really digg that vid :)
Easier to understand method is to relate the modes to the major scale or minor scale eg:

major modes: *referring to same root*
Lydian: #4, beside the #4 tone and the 4th tone in major scale, there is no other diff between Lydian and major scale.
Mixo: b7. sama as above
These are the particular tone that differentiate the particular mode from the major scale. If you don't emphaisze them, then you are just playing no different from major scale.

Oic Thkz, now i kinda noe u r sayin =D
Hello guys and gals,

this coming monday which is the 16th of august there will be another meetup, anyone who is interested kindly express their interest within the next few post of pages.. from my understanding there's 4 people currently, and we will be holding it at itachi's place again so yea feel free to join us :)
and do take note it's the beginner's gathering.. try not to shred us to death you intend to join lol :)..
nahh im kidding feel free to join us.. so yea i'll stop here.. good day to you guys :)